oh my god ive lost it completely


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2006
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five minutes ago i thought i had a shread of sanity left but now i know im doomed :(

i returned home from taking girls to school and as usual picked up all their dirty knickers, PJ's , socks etc. I started going upstairs to throw them in the laundry basket in the bathroom but on route somehow i thought i must go toilet too whilst im up there. So i found myself opening the toilet door and throwing the clothes INTO the toilet. :doh:
:doh: whats going on :doh:
:rotfl: lol ive done weird things like that too tho not that bad :rotfl: Oh budge :rotfl: :lol:
did you ever really have it to lose budge? :think: :rotfl: :rotfl:

when i was pregnant i managed to loose my kettle, i put it in my pots and pans cupboard, so it happens to the best of us :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
hahahaha, ive done some silly stuff, for some reason i keep tryin to put washing up liquid in teh dishwasher... the tablets are RIGHT next to the w.u.l bottle so christ knows why i keep doing it...

looking at the dishwasher thiking were do i squirt this? :wall: :roll:
is that to save on electricity budge?

stuff the washing machine...flush and wash with the bog!!! :shock:

LOL I bet u stood there scratching your head for a while afterwards though, madness!!! see what pregnancy does to u!
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Just when I think you cant get any madder hun you just pull out all the stops and go that extra mile :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Glad im not the only one budge, I put mine in the bin the other day :doh: :rotfl:
i was tidying up my kitchen... and my fone was on the counter... and i jus about caught myself puttin it in the fridge :oops:
LMAO its ok Budge i put the chicken for dinner in the dish washer a few days ago :rotfl:
When I read this post I thought you were going to say you'd lost your mucus plug completely! Damn.

Your such a donut Budge :rotfl:
:rotfl: :rotfl: oh jaidy! trust you to think that! :rotfl:

i heaved when i had to retrieve them :puke: i thought maybe it might induce labour but it didn't.
:rotfl: :rotfl:

Yesterday the MW was going through the 36 week checklist (2 weeks late lol) and she said "carseat" and i replied "yep"

"do you have support?" and i replied "what for the car seat?" :rotfl:

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