oh my god im sooo annoyed!


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2011
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I just got a phone call from my brother in Ireland asking me was i pregnant...that my dad heard it 2 weeks ago.....FGS i only found out on thursday!!

apparently someone related to OH that was here visiting went home with the news that I'm Pregnant!
The only one that was here was OH's daughter.
she didn't even know we were ttc.
I reckon she saw a CB OPK wrapper in the bin in my loo and thought it was a hpt!!

i didn't want to tell my family till after my first scan. but im afraid they are gonna think i told his daughter before them...we have literally told no-one!
talk about raining on my parade!!

im just so upset....and i was so happy earlier after getting my first proper bfp :cry: :cry: :cry:
Oh rubbish, it was probably the OPK wrapper that was the culprit :mad: I'd hold off til 12 weeks now to tell them, or did you admit it to your brother on the phone? x
no i didn't i told him i wasn't but it was such a shock when he said it i got the stutters!! :cry:

i thought i was doing the right thing holding off till the first scan at least then i'll know everything is ok...my mum worries!

i know his daughter don't like me coz of the age gap but is it any of her business even???

feel like slaughtering her....OH say's she prob helped us (mocking is catching and all that :rofl:

just wanted them to hear it from me *sigh*
Arrrggghh how annoying, sorry you're upset hun, families eh xx
so do ye reckon i should hold out till my 12 week scan??? i'd like to but will they be hurt if i do!!!

i'm gonna kill that bitch!!!!! :trouble:
So what is right for you, I'm sure they will understand when it comes to the right time to tell. If they don't, tough, they'll get over it xx
You can hold off til your 12 week scan and then just tell them like it is. You could pretend that you didn't know yet when your brother phoned you (a lot of people wouldn't know yet). If they question you about it, admit that you were actively TTC and that it must have been an ovulation kit that she saw (if that's how they found out).
true cosmic! :hugs:

think i'm gonna hold out! that was my initial decision so i'm gonna keep it that way.....I will see OH's daughter and i will have words with her! how dare she!!! it's laughable in a way because i didn't even know i was pregnant when she was spreading those rumours!!!
thanks princess...ya i'm gonna hold out..i'm not gonna change my decision because oh her! that was so spiteful though.
Oh what a nasty thing to do...:(
I can totally understand you being so upset - we're not telling anyone till we ( fingers crosed & please God!) get to 12 weeks safely.... but hubby's parents called into our house yesterday morning and I'd gone back to bed for a lie down... and his mum came to our bedroom and just waltzed in "wondering why I was in bed, was I sick, blah, blah, blah..." I was so surprised at her just barging in I started stuttering away too...some nonsense about having had a bit of a stomach bug ...and then I looked over at my dressing table and smack back at the front of it is my big packet of Elevit (pre & during pregnancy vitamins and supplements), and the bottles of adidtional folic acid and iodine that my dr had prescribed. Don't know if she saw them ..... but if she did she'll know I'm pregnant.... and all because she had to come barging into my bedroom.

So I'd say stick to your guns and say nothing till your both comfortable doing so... it's YOUR news, you decide when to share it!
familys just take liberties don't they?? i wouldn't dream od walking into ANYONES room like that.

i love family, but they really get my back up sometimes!! really hope she didn't see them hun!! x x x x
I know, I was shocked too...... now I'm just really annoyed!!! I'm hoping they might have blended into the mess of other stuff that was on the dressing table :)
Sticking to my guns though - saying nothing till we hit that magic No#12. (fingers crossed !!)

Hope you don't have any other issues with family gossip mongering....honestly, I know we can't shoot them, but sometimes.........:)
everyone will deal with it differently hun so it's entirely up to you & OH, kill her sweety, with sickening kindless! Then you are the doting step mum & she is the evil step brat from hell! Hope your okay hun (()) x

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