
Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2006
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Hi girls,

My period is due on Wednesday of next week. About half an ago I did I pregancy test, a cheapie from the internet (EBAY) and I got TWO LINES.
One was VERY faint, but definately two there. Does this mean im pregnant? Its 5 days before my period is even due, could it be false??? Is there any reason it would be positive if im not pregnant???? What should I do girls, can I trust these cheapie tests????

a lines a line im sure no matter how faint so im guessin its a yes??
get yourself to the docs!
good luck
and congratulations.
fingers crossed for u!
I hope its postive hun!

omg im so pleased for you!!!

Sending all my positive baby dust your way!

everything crossed!!!

Dreamer xxxx
OMG hunny :lol:

I was out when you MSN'ed me :doh:

CONGRATS :dance:

PS: You weren't suppose to conceive until I did :talkhand: LOL
Oh my god Jaidy, that's FABULOUS!!! YES YES YES you can get a positive that early! I had mine 4 days before AF was due! i have heard the cheap tests from ebay are more sensitive than the ones in the shop.

Have a great weeekend, i'm so happy for you xxx
i hope u are hun, i no how much u want A lil baba x x x
:D :pray: WOwwwwwwwwww lets up for the best!!!!
Keep us updated!!!!

congratulations! A faint line is a positive test!
a line is a line hunny, get yourself to the docs!!!

masses of baby dust to you hunny xx
Looks like you did have an implantation bleed after all!

Have a Happy & Healhty pregnancy! :wink:
Hi jade,

I am really happy for you! A line is still a line. Hurry up and book a doctors appointment so we can confirm it and then celebrate! Keep us informed!!
I got my BFP using the cheapy pg tests from the pound shop, I went out and bought a first response just to check and got the same result so YAY it looks like you could be pg, congratulations honey :dance: :dance:

Hi girls...

Just to let you know I did a clearblue early test bout half an hour ago and it didnt work!!! The control line didnt appear which I assume mean test is invalid. Got another one to do tonight, why do tests do that do you know? I had been holding my pee for ages, perhaps I peed on it too much lol!
Im gonna do the next one later...dunno how long I can wait il let you know the outcome!! Pooing my pants but praying for another +++++

Love to you all xxx
just pee on the stick for 5seconds then put the lid on it and put it flat down on the floor!!!!!

good luck x x
I GOT MY BFP!!!!!!!!!!! IM PREGANT!!!!

Its 4 days before my period is due and i have had two positives, one with an ebay internet cheapie and one with clear blue early response, both faint but definately positive +++++++

Im so happy....ecstatic!! But still in shock. That explains the brown discharge I got this month!!!!

Its still early days obviously...very early days, gonna make a docs appt first thing tues to confirm!!

Congratulations! Yes its early days but try not to worry like we all do because you are young and healthy and I'm sure everything will be fine! Your hormones are obviously good and strong getting an early positive so go and celebrate and have a fab weekend! What did your OH say?

Love Katt x
When your doctor has confirmed, you must let us know your early symptoms and how often you BD etc!! I love hearing a positive story, it gives me renewed hope! Did you think deep down that you were pregnant?

Congratulations again!
congrats jaidybaby this is really great positive news, let us know how tues goes :clap:

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