OH it loooks like your carring a girl!!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2011
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anyone else carrying a boy and people saying oh it looks like ur carrying a girl or ur having a girl u r, when i went for scan my lady said oh i think i see some boys bits their, now i bloody nervous because people saying oh i think its a girl or looks like ur carrying a girl, its not that i dont mind what i have but i got everything in blue!! xx
Yeah I've had the same hun, its just old wives tales again I think. Everyone swore I was having a boy (judging by the way I was carrying, the heartbeat etc etc) and I'm having a girl and still one or two people have said "oh I was carrying just like you and I had a boy" lol I've bought everything in pink too :p xx
I wouldn't listen to what people say, everyone carries different, and unlike the scan lady its not like they can see inside you! Don't take the tags off things that are blue though, you can always take them back if you do have a girl then
i got most of my clothes of bootsales, i be doing a bootsale after i get out hospital if baby turns out to be girl x lol
Just make sure you have some neutral bits too! If she was wrong, don't want your LO getting cold from lack of clothing :lol:
I get a lot of "oooh your bump is all at the front it must be a girl" then the next person goes "oooh your bump is all front it must be a boy" The old wives tales vary so much I wouldn't worry about what people say. I'm getting fed up with the amount of people who tell me they have a 6th sense when it comes to predicting babies sex. Girls can look just as pretty in blue :)
People say it all the time its making me very paranoid. I only have one blue outfit because of this,the rest is unisex
people say im carrying a boy, my nhs and 4d scan confirmed she is a girl so im sticking with them x

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