Oh dear.


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2008
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So my bloke went away over the weekend to see his family and his best mate, while I get some time to myself (and more importantly some time to spend on christmas presents without him seeing it). Earlier tonight I wanted to watch a DVD, but struggled to get the XBox to work. So first I called his parents because I thought he'd be there and got a panicked "Are you alright? Are you in labour?" and when I called him on his mobile (as he was out) he answered the phone with "Are you in labour?". All I wanted is to watch a movie (still didn't get the sodding XBox to work)
Does this mean that from now an I can't make a phone call anymore without people assuming that I'm about to pop? It's sweet of them, but really.
i would of expected this to happen a little later not at 35 weeks lol going to be a long 5 weeks if thats the case :hug:
Well, the bloke knows that my best friend gave birth at 35 weeks, but I'm still surprised by his reaction.
Ok so what you should have done was....said yes im in labour can you come home then when he got home said oh sorry it has all stopped now but while youre here could you put the video on for me :D
hennaly said:
Ok so what you should have done was....said yes im in labour can you come home then when he got home said oh sorry it has all stopped now but while youre here could you put the video on for me :D

:lol: I actually WOULD of done this coz Im evil :D
Well, seeing as he's currently 160 miles away, I really don't think that would have been a good idea.
widowwadman said:
Well, seeing as he's currently 160 miles away, I really don't think that would have been a good idea.
:rotfl: god i think he would have slapped you into labour :rotfl:

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