off topic! sorry.. im graduating tmro


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2007
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this has nothing to do with pregnancy. and i know im very hormonal.. im graduating from a diploma course tmro - it was a years part time course..

not really sure how i feel..

let me explain.. i told my mum ohh im graduating on the 12th july.. months ago.. she replied? what graduating from a 1 day a week part time course.. i think thats stupid y would you have a graduation from that.. i jsut replied.. it was still hard work and i still know more than you do aobut counselling, and i suppose the uni consider it to be a high enough level to graduate so im not sure mum.

anyway i left it. then about 3 weeks ago i asked her are you comming to the graduation, she said oh if you wantme to. i said well alexand nannioe and charlotte are so i just assumed you would like to. and left it at that.

then sunday before last we went down for a lunch and while she was cooking i mentioned that i neded to go shopping to get something for the graduation, she just turned her head away as if she didnt hear me. so i just went on to say oh do you know where i can get good cheap bras, and she carried on with the convo..

so i havent mentioned it to her since, my nan is in hospital after breaking her leg and alex cant get time off work as he had last friday off when i fell down the stairs, monday afternoon off for the scan and next tuesday off for his grandads funeral so now as it stands noones comming.

i feel quite sad and angry now - i knwo im probably over reacting but if my mum felt it important enough she would have reminded herself or put it in her diary where everythign else goes, so im standing my ground and not reminding her. i also feel like this really sums up all my life, noones ever been there for me when ive had sh*t and good times (except when charlotte was born). sorry for the just really dissaponted.
Firstly, well done you! Nothing anyone else does or says can take away from your achievement :hug: Secondly - as your course was presumably about counseling, perhaps you are being a little bit passive here? Rather than worry about the should's (although I do agree with you), I would think it would be more healthy (especially as you often feel alone) for you to address that issue and ask your mum direct if she is coming and if not, why not?
thanks for the advise, i wont be asking her, she should have remembered, after that mad outburst yesterday which im puttign down to hormones lol.. i had a good think and realised that i did the course it doesnt matter if anyones there from my family, its my day and im gonna enjoy it. xx

p.s thanks fothers :)
Ah Hun thats terrible... :hug: But well done...doing any sort of college course when your a mum to a LO is hard. I assume that you took the course part time for that reason? Whats more congratulations on keeping up with the course for two years. I have terrible staying power at these things...even did my 3 year uni course condensed into 2 because I just would have given up..and I nearly did after two years... You've worked long and hard for this course you deserve a graduation....and if your mum forgets then you know where you stand with her in the future.

I have issues with my mum too...and I can understand how upset you must feel to have the rejection of your mother, after all your hard work. You just have to put it behind you and promise yourself to make up for your mothers attitude in the way you raise your kids....thats how I consol myself :hug: :hug: :hug:
thanks girls.. just got back.. felt really sad when i was doing it..especially when the principal was giving a speach saying.. i hope when you look back on this all your emotions come flooding back to you..- i just thought.. yeah of my mother not deing here - but ive done it.. ive graduated and alex made me buy the photos so he could see them.. thanks for your messages x
Well done honey, you should be very proud of yourself :hug: You've made a great achievement, well done lady! :D x

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