Off to NY tomorrow!!!

madam bully

Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2007
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Another 1 on holiday!!!

Tomorrow we fly to JFK airport then have a drive to Pennsylvania, then down to Jamestown, then Washington then back to Long Island to stay with some of hubbies family so we can shop in New York and I can't bleeding wait :cheer:

I am so excited, I have never done a holiday like this and I can't wait!!

Hopefully LO will decide to move soon too which will make me even more happy! Going to buy lots of baby clothes while we are over there and we are going to visit the Amish in Pennsylvania and hopefully get a lovely handmade quilt for the cot.

Hope everyone has a lovely week :hug:
I am green with envy. Seriously. My dream holiday is to go to New York!

ya biatch! ;)

seriously though.... hope you have a FAB time, take some pics and show us all!!!

sooooo lucky!!

1 word!!!!



O well have a great time!!
Have a great time! Am so envious! Especially with the excellent exchange rates at the moment! Buy loads!
Oh you lucky thing. We were meant to go the NY this yeah for our 1st anniversary but with bubs coming had to delay it hopefully will get to go next year.

Hope you have a fab time looking forward to seeing lots of pics when you get back.
Well we did have Antigua booked for the end of May for our 1st wedding anniversary but then found out I was pregnant so we are having this holiday instead for our anniversary.

Hope you get to go eventually smurf :hug:
You lucky thing! Have a great time and make sure you spoil baby and get loads of clothes x

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