Off to Hospital on Tuesday! :D


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2010
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I'm off to see the obtomotrist.... i think :D The chap who deals with pregnant women...... and I have to convince him that this baby needs to come out now.... not in 4 weeks time, heh.

My SPD has gotten so bad that even the midwife seels sorry for me now, I don't think she beleived me before, lol. Apparently it completely up to this chap as to whether I can have her induced or not, so I have to try and think of the best way to plead my case.... I need to make my life sound totally awful but without going over the top. I'm not a good actor....

So, pointless post, just feeling like i need a bit of support for Tuesday and would love to be able to think that you're all thinking about me. You lot have been my stars over the last 9 months :D

Love you all!

Hey hon, I know u have found the SPD really tough (and I'm not surprised!). I hope the appointment goes well and I'll be thinking of u x x x
Because of diabetes, SPD and previous section I have a section booked for 38 weeks. They would never consider anything before 38 weeks but even if your consultant wont agree you might be able convince your midwife to give you some early sweeps....might help things along!
Good Luck!
Yea I know I can't expect anything before 38 weeks, they just had to get me in now so they have time to asses me and make an appointment if they decide to go ahead. I really hope he at least listens to me :D

Good luck really hope they listen to you :) xx
good luck for tuesday hun fingers crossed xx
I hope it goes ur way oin tues will be thinkin of u x
Good luck!! I really hope you get your wish xx
Good luck for tuesday Wolfie - hope that he listens to your problems and you get the induction when you want it. Not long to go anyway!!! :)
Good luck for tomorrow hun, I'm terrible at convincing people I'm in pain...I could walk into a doctors with my arm hanging off but if they told me I was fine and just to take paracetamol, that's what I would end up doing!
I find if I need to be strong and stand up for myself in these situations it helps to write down some key points beforehand so you have lots of ammo and you sound like you believe what you're saying lol!!
How did you get one with the appointment today???
Hope all went well today, hope they listened to you!
Also if you have time would be great if u could pm me any ways uv found that have helped spd as Im starting to get it bad =/
Well, I'm booked in for a 'stretch and sweep' (hope that's not as painful as it sounds!!) at 38 weeks (23rd Nov), and if they find that my cervix is favourable, then they will induce! Woop! They said if it isn't, there's nothing they can do as they can give me all the tablets in the world but if my body isnt ready for them, it'll be like banging their heads against a brick wall, lol!!

So woo! Happy times, possibly on 2 more weeks of hell to go!


(Lily, I'll PM you hun)
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Glad they are going to try, how exciting that you could have LO in only 2 weeks :)

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