Off to Doctors Today


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2006
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As some of you are aware, I suffered from depression on and off since I was 13 and also suffer with panic attacks etc when im stressed.

Im going to my doctors today to see about going back on my anti depressants. I dont think I have PND, but am starting to feel a bit panicky when I go out without someone which is making me reluctant to go out on my own and I dont want to be like that, I want to be able to comfortably go out on my own with my baby.

I also feel a bit stressed out (which is normal when you have a baby I know) but just feel I need to nip it in the bud and get on some medication to try and pep me up a bit, especially as we are moving into our new house in a few weeks and it will probably be a bit stressful.

Just thought id tell you guys this, see what you think? Do you think im being hasty or wise? I know my body and know the signs and just want to catch it before I get really bad.
I think you're being really wise, good for you! You know what your warning signs are, and you're listening to them which is great. Good luck, hope you get on ok.
Hey, hope you are doing ok keep missing you on msn.
You do what you feel necessary.

I think you have been doing great with out medication, i think you should trust yourself more!

But only you know your self.. so good luck :hug:
hun i am on tablets for pnd so if you ever want to talk just pm me xx
I think you're being very wise jade, as you said you know your own body and the signs, so good on you for nipping it in the bud before it's too late hun :hug:
Yes, very wise. My OH had to do this a few months back, he used to be on ADs after getting very bad a few years ago. We then changed lots of things that made him feel worse and he came off them and managed without them for a couple of years. For various reasons he's not been able to do some of the things that help him feel better (get proper sleep, get exercise, use a light box in the winter months) so he went back to the Drs in November to go back on the ADs just while he's unable to change his lifestyle to help the depression (he's on a one year post-grad course and has to commute an hour each way to it but it finishes in June). He said he knew the signs this time and could get it before it took hold. I was so proud of him as I was starting to worry about him myself. He plans to come off them again in June. So, I know where you're coming from and admire your ability to know yourself and recognise when you need that something extra.

Hope you feel better soon hun
I think you're doing totally the right thing and I hope it all went well. I too have suffered from anxiety, depression and social phobia which I have thankfully overcome with lots of support and through AD's. I'm not on AD's anymore but they really helped me find the strength to fight my illness. I'm never going to be the most outgoing person in the world and I still find some tasks difficult but I go out everyday now usually by myself and I never dreamed that would happen! I would have a panic attack just putting rubbish in the outside bin before! I would do exactly the same thing in your situation if you can feel it coming back again then it's best to stop it before it gets too bad. I didn't admit my problem for about 3 years and it took a good 4 years to treat it and I never want to go through that again. I really hope you start to feel better soon hun. If you ever need to talk about just chuck me a pm :D :hug:

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