OMG!!! she rolled off the sofa!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2008
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God!!! I feel like such a bad mum!! :(
violet was asleep on my knee and i got up to let a friend out of my house. I put her down on a cushion just while I opened the door (which is in the same room) and she rolled off onto the floor!! She fell onto her play mat-which is a soft surface but she cried with tears for the first time. i think it shocked her more than anything, but I am so worried and feel so bad...I don't normally put her down on the sofa on her own. Now she is asleep, but I am scared and don't want her to sleep in case she isn't ok :(
Shes sucking on her dummy and when i try to wake her she makes noises, but do you think I should be taking her to the hospital or doctors or something??
:( :( :( :( :( :( :(
Im sure she will be fine hun. You will be worse than she is :hug: Obviuosly if she is out of character then go down to A&E but f she seems herself then she will be ok :hug: Lily rolled off my bed yesterday moring as I ran down to answer the phone :( . Its the shock that makes them scream. As soon as I picked her she was laughing and pulling my hair as normal.
:hug: :hug: :hug:

Don't be too hard on yourself. We learn from our mistakes... Babies are tough cookies!!! lo appears to be ok-thank goodness!!!
thanks for your reassurance girls! xxxxxx
glad shes ok hun, babies forget about things like dat so fast. i remember the first time jay fall out the bed, i was just like u. xx
i nearly had the same thing the other day, i left him on the sofa for 2 seconds while i ran in the kitchen to grab something and i heard him start screaming...luckily he wasnt on the floor...but he'd rolled over onto his front and was kicking his legs frantically and crying his little heart out. i felt awful but certainly learned my lesson
ow dont worry hun my son rolled off his changing mat on a six chest of drawers the other day straight onto his back. i have NEVER been so scared in my life. for the first 10secs he just didnt move or cry so you can imagine what went through my head then eventually he screamed. he was in shock for about half an hour went white and was sick. it was the worse i have ever felt in my life. he was absolutely fine in the end once he calmed down but it gave me the fright of my life and i punished myself all night with horrible thoughts of what could of happened. we all make mistakes :hug:

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