odd comment


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2005
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'well it looks like your gonna have 2 in nappies'

This is a comment from OH today. Firstly 'YOUR' isn't that supposd to be 'WE' and secondly, is he trying to say Im failing miserably with the potty training???

Ok, so I havent been on the ball with it but things have been a bit 'up in the air' the last few weeks and I havent stopped, still busy now!!!

Is it so bad for Jack to still be in nappies at 2 1/2, or have 2 little ones in nappies???

Im a bit annoyed about this comment really, what do you think? Honestly?
Stephen is nearly 4 and not ready to be potty trained - as they get older i find its less nappies anyway! I buy a big pack o tescos pullups and the pack lasts for two weeks, and a big pack for immy will last for a good week too.

Very odd comment if you ask me!

at 2 hes so little still - a baby so pay no attention!
No and No to be frank.

I've just decided to completely have my LO out of nappies and TBH it's harder than having her in nappies.

2 in nappies is no problem - ignore him :hug:
honestly hun i think he an absalutle nob head to say that to you.
After everything he has put you through these past few weeks is it any wonder it has been the last thing you needed to concentrate on?! You have been more concerned aboiut keeping him fed and safe and loved!
ONce you are all settled again im sure he will take to it quickly hun.
Dont let him get to you, the fact he said 'yours' in relation to your children is a true indication of what he is like.

Your well shut of him hun, you know you dont need him and to be quite honest he doesnt deserve to have your children (sorry if thats harsh hun). you all deserve better than him

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I have also had comments from the in laws too! Like its only my job, not OH's!!! :wall: :wall: :wall:
Well firstly i would tell him to piss right off, i'm sorry but everything that you have been going through and had to deal with these past few weeks/months arn't your own fault, its not surprising you have had enough time to take yourself to the toilet let alone potty train your LO.

I think hes just after a reaction of you, trying what he can to get your back up. Ignore him " mum knows best "
maybe you are reading a bit more into it than he meant, i mean if your older one is still in nappies then he is in fact right you will have 2 in nappies, he should have said we instead of you i agree but im sure he doesnt think you are a failure.
i had that comment from a couple of people that i told i was pg previously - "that means you are going to have two in nappies". It also meant i would have had two who could have grown up together!!! two that would have been so close in age they would have kept each other entertained, regardless of nappies or not. nappies where the last thing on my mind!!

as for the "your" comment, what an idiot! Potty training is as much his responsibility as yours, same goes for nappy changes!!

i would have got annoyed as well, but i don't think he meant it as it sounds. in hindsight, you could have said something like 'well you deal with the potty training, and i will deal with this batch of nappies :wink: '.
He was very tired today and was facing a night shift. He did aplogise for being an arse all day too!

I guess it just made me wonder if I was being a really crap, Lazy, mummy
I have two in 'nappies' and will have for a long time yet! *lol* - i dont see it such an issue? I dont know any different anyway :think:

tis a weird comment to make
My Nephew only started potty training when he was 2 and half yet he was straight out of pull ups and into undies in 2 weeks!!
Lydia has only JUST got the hang of potty training (she's been clean for a week now - until today - she had a poo accident in her knickers), so I've had 2 in nappies for a whie, and so what - it's not the end of the world.

Your OH should definitely have said 'we' !
Tis much easier to potty train children that are a little bit older I was told when I was doing it with DS.

TBH I am selective when I call DS is MY son, OH's son or OUR son depending on what I want to put across. However this is in very different circumstances to your relationship at the moment.
I had 3 in nappies!! :lol:
Both my sons looked like they were getting nowhere then around their 3rd birthdays, they finally got the hang of it!
It will happen when it happens! Its not something that can be rushed!
And your right, your OH needs to remember that its a "WE"

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