Oblique position and thick cord and placenta?!


New Member
Nov 16, 2015
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As I write this post I'm sending my self crazy with worry...
Im now 33 weeks and 2 days into my first pregnancy..
Since last Monday (9/11/16) I've had 2 episodes of bleeding and reduced movements. Both times I was sent to hospital where really it seemed they couldnt care less and sent me on my way!
Today, I went for a private reassurance scan and was told baby is lay in an oblique position and that I have a very thick placenta and cord....
Im just curious, has anyone else ever been told they've either of these?! If so, do people maybe think that the reason I keep getting sharp shooting pains in my lower tummy and hips because of the position baby is in?!
Is baby head down or breach? We had one oblique breach and one transverse at our scan a few weeks go but yesterday they were both transverse. If mine have room to move yours will have plenty space and can move right up to the last few days. The pains could be because baby's position as baby could be putting pressure on your hips.

Sorry I can't help with the cord and placenta thing.

What did they do when you went to hospital with bleeding and reduced movements? If you're not happy with the care or you feel like they're not taking you seriously then you need to put your foot down. At the end of the day this is your baby's health and it comes first.
Baby is in a breach oblique position but my midwife has told me this morning baby needs monitoring after 36 weeks if it continues as he is in an unstable lie..

When I went to the hospital with the bleeds, they took my word on it stopping. Didn't do any pad checks, no checks to see where I was bleeding from etc... I've made a complaint and am waiting a call from the hospital to discuss it further!
Our monkey soon moved from that position so fingers crossed yours does the same.

Did they not put you on the monitor or anything to check baby??

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