nursing bras


Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2011
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I was in peacocks yesterday and to my suprise they had some nice nursing bras for 7 pound !!! I know not as good as mothercare but I did buy one worth a try
thats brill hunni and i found them to actually be better than mothercare for me x x x
Ooooh thanks, that's good to know. I was in the only Peacocks near me on Saturday and I didn't look at the underwear!!! Typical :D
Sadly our peacocks has shut down now , I thought they had a great range of maternity wear at really good prices too. I got my bras from ebay they were the same price though 2 for £14. Good bargin hunting xx
My best nursing bras have been from Matalan, nothing wrong with getting some good bargains!!
I was in Peacocks the other day and their maternity range has shrunk and I didn't find as many good things there xx
May be that's why they're closing down stores then . I think I was in ours in February and in March it had shut. Sad to see the high street stores closing down but it seems all to common nowadays. xx
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That's a good price.

I bought what I thought was 2 meternaty brs from mothercare. Turns out 1 is a nursing bra as straps can snap off each boob. Still quite comfy to wear now :)
This is something I am yet to buy! x
I just bought nursing bras as opposed to maternity bras, two birds one stone! Will need to get remeasured after bubs comes but still hoping they'll do :)

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