Nursery questions


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2005
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Well today I started out the fun task of finding a nursery. One place has a vacancy so we went round to have a browse and to talk to the manager. I asked questions about how many carers there are, ratio of children to adults, about food, nappies and what they do but I can't help thinking I have missed some importamnt questions. Does anyone have any suggestions?

We left Seren in the baby room whilst we looked round and when we went back she was quite happy sitting there exploring a piece of material. Don't know whether I was happy as she seemed ok or sad as she was happy without me. I can't win lol.
i did the ssame with B
did u ask bout accidents
how many nappy changes they do in a day
wot they supply
errrr wot happens if she is ill
im trying to tthink up stuff #B's nursery do lol
if i remember nething else ill let u know lol
by nappy changes i ment B has his done every 1 hour poop or not lol does that make more sence lol
i never looked in to nurserys Dior has a childminder but the question i always asked when looking around for one was..

what do they do if Dior is naughty eg bites a child or snatches? how would they go about handeling it?
not that Dior does play up but just incase.
Have you asked how many carers are trained in first aid, and is there always a first aider in each room or is it just so many for the whole nursery, and also about there emergency protercalls (sp).

that's one thing I always now ask esp after that poor little girl with the apple.

Ask about nappy changes eg is it every hour or so or every time they need it. If she does a poo at 5 past will she have to sit in it for a hour?

What kind of activities do they do? Are they allowed outside?
If strangers come it, are they allowed to look round the room where you child is? Do visitors have to sign in and out?

Is food cooked on site?
If they don't eat at dinner time is food offered to them later?
Do they label your bottles etc?
HOw do they handle allergies (useful to get a feel of stuff like this even if your child doesn't have them.

What happens if you are running late to collect your child?
What happens if you want someone else to pick up your child?

How are sleep times handled?

The ratio for her age should be 3:1, when you had a look round was this the case? I once looked round a nursery as a mystery shopper and they took Brody on top of the ratio, so it was 4:1

How many qualified staff are there in a ratio to qualified staff? Are unqualified staff left alone with the kids? The answer to that last question shoud be a definite NO WAY, NEVER (that's ofsted regulations)

Speaking of ofsted, there should be a report somewhere on the wall you can look at. Ask when the last inspection was, what was the result, were there any areas mentioned where care could be improved?

How often do they have a fire drill? Are the instructions for a fire drill on display?

What is staff turnover like? How are new staff introduced to a child? Will you child have a key worker? What kind of role will the key worker take?

What kind of feedback do you get as a parent? Are there parent days when you can visit? Do you get any kind of written review of your child and how they are getting on?
Errrr well i guess Urchin has covered it all
Dont forget also your gut instinct, do you get the right feeling?
That sounds really daft after all the intelligent questions the others have put forward. What i mean is ask all the questions, if you get the right answers, then id follow my instincts.
Ill shut up, sound silly lol.x
wow, Urchin!!! that was helpfull! :)
Am gonna strat looking as well, even if it's for janjuary 2007 (i'll be working so won't have much time!

Thank you again
Mel xx

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