Now I'm confused


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2010
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Ever since the day dot I wanted at least 2 children but after we had A my oh is terrified of going thro it all again (emer c section), I have always wanted another after almost 18mths of oh being adamant that there will be no more, I said he would need to have snip then if he meant it and I poured my heart out about how selfish he would be for not considering mine and our sons needs and just considering his own.
Yesterday my bil tod us they were expecting twins, we knew they were ttc but finding out they were acing twins was a shock but after they had gone oh said he realised how he had been wrong to make his decision so early, problem is I was coming around to us not ttc in 2014 and now i don't know whether to be excited that he has come around or not as A is a real handful ATM but I would like a sibling.

Sorry about the pointless waffle just a bit shocked
Didn't want to read and run. 2014 is a while so you have plenty of time to think about what you really want. At least it means hubby won't have the snip so you can decide over the next couple of years if and when the right time will be for you to extend your family.

You had probably just got so used to your hubby not wanting another baby that you had got used to the idea yourself. I think before you know it you will be wanting ttc no 2 :)
I wasn't ready to have another until DS was 3, and I never dreamed DH would want another, but he did! You have a while to get used to the idea again, and as A gets older he will be less of a handful and you will probably feel more ready.

My DD is now approaching 3 and we are ttc our 3rd - which I never dreamed of in a million years! but am so thrilled.
I'm slowly getting used to the idea and hopefully it will be different as we will finally be out of debt!

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