Not wanting to really do this but...

Lol my first son did as well, Stanley just will not settled on his back! I think I'm going against every 'rule' x


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Tbh I wouldn't continue, not at 3 months old. I wouldn't do it at 4 months either, but its a bit different to 3. I duno I just really wouldn't. I suppose its up to you. Yes the guidelines change alot with different things but i dont think they've ever said to wean before 4 months.

Sorry if that sounds harsh
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They probably havent said it but Im starting to believe now that not every baby can stick to the guidelines as they are all different. Tbh the being sick thing was starting to worry me as surely it cant be good to be having that acid coming up all the time and shes just had her last bedtime bottle and again taken the usual amount and not been sick again.

I couldn't up her milk or do it more frequently as if she isn't crying for it she didnt seem to want to take it until she was asking and when I upped it more she just threw it back up again. I think it just wasn't settling in her stomach right.

I know not everyones going to agree but I seriously dont know what else to do with her.
Sorry if my post sounded harsh!!

If your LO is not taking bottle more often, then she doesn't want it/she's not hungry for it. And their tummy's only hold a very small amt of milk, thats why they aren't able to over-eat, coz their stomachs automatically spew it back up if it reaches the limit. So I can only conclude from that...that your baby isn't actually all that hungry. So I really dont see what LO would benefit from weaning ( sorry if that sounds harsh, cant think of how to word it) Does that make sense? Surely if LO was really hungry she'd be able to take loads of milk & want it all the time...therefore why wean early?
Tbh I wouldn't continue, not at 3 months old. I wouldn't do it at 4 months either, but its a bit different to 3. I duno I just really wouldn't. I suppose its up to you. Yes the guidelines change alot with different things but i dont think they've ever said to wean before 4 months.

Sorry if that sounds harsh

I'm afraid I agree with this. I don't want to have a go but you mentioned seeing someone on 8th may about weaning? Maybe it would be worth getting some advice or see if you can move it forward.

Is there any chance she has reflux? Have you tried changing formula? I think if she's throwing up a lot there may be an underlying issue that needs fixing and/or may be aggravated by food iykwim?

I wouldn't wean early either, obviously its up to you and she's your baby but i don't think they would randomly change guidelines from 3 months then to 4 then to 6 if there wasn't some good research behind it. I know not all babies fit into exact guideline boxes but give or take a few weeks they generally do. I just think its strange how we trust a lot of what we are told by professionals while pregnant and follow guidelines about what to eat and not to eat while we are pregnant but don't when our babies are born. Def chat with your hv as they will be able to tell you a lot more and offer proper advice as they know you and your baby.

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She's never been that sick before that's why I didnt think it was reflux? She had colic as a small baby but the dr browns bottles helped it a lot and it eventually stopped. Shes been taking the majority of the bottle and then been sick but then won't take anymore because her belly must have been full but she hasn't felt full maybe? I'm only going to take it slow and see how it goes but so far she's seemed a lot happier in herself and I don't feel to worried that she's not taking as much because she's still taking the same amount as to what she was doing before giving her the baby rice but the sickness has completely stopped?

From reading the article that was posted above, I just honestly don't think you can win whatever you do. One woman has commented saying that she followed the guidelines and exclusively breastfed for 6 months and her daughter is a fussy eater and has strange allergies. Again both me and my brother and all of OHs family were done early on and around this time if not maybe a bit older and theres nothing wrong with any of our eating habits, none of us are obese, none of us have digestional complaints and none of us have any none allergies? I guess it's just going to be another of those controversial topics :/.

And if it makes any slight difference my ticker I think is only showing her just 13 weeks, counting on my calendar from the 20th of january being a week old she will actually be 15 weeks on Friday. I have no idea why it's only saying 13 weeks? Xxx
My lily pie ticker is out too, Stanley is nearly 22 weeks x
Hi hun,

Brody was born the same day and is 15 weeks on Friday.

As for your choice to wean, I'd maybe speak to HV for advice, but ultimately it's your call.
Hope it works out well for you and your lo.

Brody's hands never leave his mouth atm. He just wants to chew them good and proper! Lol. I do think thats just a discovery thing though and/or possible sign of teething.

Tbh it's been a pretty pointless thread anyway because I asked your opinions and I've just gone against what you've suggested anyway so i apologise now and thank you for your input anyway :) x
Hunnie - I hope you dont think we're all getting on at you. I agree with what sarah said, we all bend over backwards to follow guidelines when pg but not when baby is born, I know your mum weaned you early, but remember...alot of doctors advised pg ppl to smoke years ago, think of how much science has improved since then!! We cant always go by what our parents did. And there is alot more consequences to early weaning that what you mentioned, its not all about allergies & obesity. There is alot more damage that can be caused to asthma, lung/heart problems ect. Most babies grow at the same rate, give or take a cpl of weeks...thats why they say every baby develops different but at just over 3 weeks, your LO is too young for her insides to be developed enough, even tho she's not reacted badly & even if she does improve, it doesn't mean that it is good for her.

I've suggested on many threads that your LO might have reflux & going by what you said it still sounds like reflux, tbh i've gave you loads of tips & other ppl have said to see a doc about reflux too. .

I know its totally your choice, but remember when you ask for advice you normally get it & on forums like this...its not always the advice you wana hear

Hope you are ok
Argh I just typed out a huge reply and tapatalk crashed.

Basically, can reflux just come on all of a sudden?? She's never been a sicky baby before and the sickness only started really once she started to want to take more milk. She did have definite colic when she was younger but after swapping to dr browns bottles it seemed to clear up the problem and she was happy once again.

I've been trying to get her a doctors appointment for a while for a gooey eye that i was told would clear up but hasn't so when I'm successful I'll ask their opinion. Im guessing it would be good for him to see her feed as well? X
I only know what I've read on here tbh. If I were you I'd refuse to leave until you have some sort of plan, wether the doctor gives you a weaning plan or medication. If he does agree at least if you come across someone disapproving you can say 'my doctor told me to' if not you will hopefully have some other Diagnosis and can take it from there!

You will keep us updated?

Your doing a great job btw!

The doc should be able to diagnose LO with reflux going by the symptoms, never heard of them needing to see baby actually feed.

Yes reflux can come on at any time, my LO's started at 3months & 3 weeks, we thot he had colic as a baby but it turns out that was the reflux (coz alot of the symptoms are colic symptoms) here's some reflux symptoms -

- wet burps - excessive slabbering - hiccups - distress during feed - arching back & neck - excessive crying - bubbling noise in stomach - bubbly slabbers & loads more...

Reflux is really painful for LO's. If you think she has it I would def arrange a doc's apt asap. It really isn't nice for them

I think there is a reson thay says consult a health professional before if you want to wean early - I think you should wait and speak to a doctor. Imagine how awful you will feel if she ends up with allergies or digestive system problems and you wont know if ota because of you.
I agree with reflux thing - i posted.earlier that my lo wanted to comfort suck and didt actually want food.

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I will give you a different example btw : my DH and his sister were weaned at 8-9 weeks and they both have asthma and numerous food allergies.

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Been to see my doctor this morning and he has given me some gaviscon to try. He said if it is reflux then solids will help to keep some of the milk down as well.

I've asked him about early weaning and told him I had started and he fully backs my decision and said he has done it with both of his children and has looked at all the evidence backing the change to 6 months and doesn't think there is enough to fully support this. He used nature as an example and said that all other mammals are onto solids as soon as they can be so what makes us any different. He also said that the doctor in charge of the practise shares the same belief. Ive been under my doctors care for the last 16 years of my life and I've never had any problems regarding the care they have provided and they have also generally been correct in all their diagnosis' so I'm going to follow their advice and guidance. I've rung my health visitor and explained what the GP has said and she also hasn't said anything about me being wrong in my choice and has said that the nursery nurse who is coming on the 8th will just continue to help me with the process and provide support and guidance.

I know a lot of people will think im doing wrong but in my eyes my doctor is the most knowledgable person and im going to listen to his advice and carry on with what I'm doing.

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