Hunnie - I hope you dont think we're all getting on at you. I agree with what sarah said, we all bend over backwards to follow guidelines when pg but not when baby is born, I know your mum weaned you early, but remember...alot of doctors advised pg ppl to smoke years ago, think of how much science has improved since then!! We cant always go by what our parents did. And there is alot more consequences to early weaning that what you mentioned, its not all about allergies & obesity. There is alot more damage that can be caused to asthma, lung/heart problems ect. Most babies grow at the same rate, give or take a cpl of weeks...thats why they say every baby develops different but at just over 3 weeks, your LO is too young for her insides to be developed enough, even tho she's not reacted badly & even if she does improve, it doesn't mean that it is good for her.
I've suggested on many threads that your LO might have reflux & going by what you said it still sounds like reflux, tbh i've gave you loads of tips & other ppl have said to see a doc about reflux too. .
I know its totally your choice, but remember when you ask for advice you normally get it & on forums like this...its not always the advice you wana hear
Hope you are ok