Not sure where to have my baby


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2007
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Dh and I recently moved from West London to Southeast London. I am currently registered at Queen Charlottes Hospital in Hammersmith. I've had my first hospital appointment, second one is scheduled for next month, and all my antenatal classes are booked there. I've had a tour and I had my D and C there back in June.

I've haven't registered at a GP in Greenwich and I've got appointments set up with my midwife in West London already. I've been reading some reviews for the hospitals in my new area and they have me quite scared. This is my first baby and I'm already scared enough as it is. Some of the stuff I read was really shocking and I'm not sure what to do.

I'd really like to stay at QC's, but is it feasible to travel across London in labour? Has anyone been in a similar situation? I'd appreciate any thoughts on this.
Nobody has any thoughts? :D
Has anyone ever moved in the middle of their pregnancy? What was that like?
I moved, changed GP and got a new MW who is wonderful. I've changed from a hospital birth outside my own district to a home birth with this new MW.

TBH, you need to register with a GP in the area you are now living as once you move outside away from your old area, they can't/won't keep you on their books outside their cachement area. They may in certain cases, but that would be GP discretion and its not done as a rule. If your MW is via your GP's surgery, you may be assigned a new one when you sign up to a new GP. I could not keep my old GP or MW as they serve one district and I live in a different one now. I am happy with my new Doctor and MW and have no problems changing. I have plenty of time to get to know them before the birth and sort out any problems.

With regards to where to go to give birth, you can choose to remain at your present hospital. We are all entitled to choose where we want to give birth and can go outside our local NHS district to do so. However, you will need to inform them of your change of address and so on. Also as you have moved there may be certain forms to fill out, but if its the same hospital that should not be the case.

As for travelling, so long as you are happy to commute across London and can work out a decent route incase you need to get their in a bit of a hurry, it should be fine. If you call an ambulance you may not get taken to your hospital of choice as they may consider it an emergency and take you to the nearest A&E etc. AFAIK they are not obliged to transport you across London to your chosen hospital if you call them. You may need to make your own travel arrangements in that case. Look into it.

I'd not worry too much about changing MW or GP, its a standard thing to do if you move areas. Phone round your local doctors surgery (and check them online) and stop in and check them out and see which one appeals. If you are happy with your hospital that's the main thing. You can still go there to give birth.

Hope that makes sense :)
Thanks for the response. My midwife and GP aren't very good and I don't mind changing them, but I was concerned that if I registered in a different area then I would have to change hospitals as my current one is not on the list in the new area. I guess I'll see what happens.
Kimberly said:
Thanks for the response. My midwife and GP aren't very good and I don't mind changing them, but I was concerned that if I registered in a different area then I would have to change hospitals as my current one is not on the list in the new area. I guess I'll see what happens.

Good luck with it all. AFAIK in this day and age of enlightenment we are able to choose a hospital at which to have care/treatment. We don't have to take the nearest one.

With regards to giving birth in a certain hospital, it should also be the same. I opted for a hospital in a different county serving an entirely different cachement area and all it meant was extra paperwork for the MW and accepting that they may or may not offer the same things as I would have gotten had I gone to my own local hospitals. They never refused to take me on their books. It was patient choice.

You may find they offer you a list of hospitals when you register at your new GP's/MW but tell them you'd like to remain where you are and all being well, it should not be a problem. My change of hospital wasn't on the list and I got in there. It can be done :) I've had my 20 week scan there and I'll be going back for my 34 week one also. Just now I've opted for a homebirth so shall not be there for birth unless I have to be :D
Great! I feel much better about this. I'll give it a try. Good luck with your home birth! I might try that next time around. :D

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