London Bombs


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2005
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its terrible whats been happening in London today, has anyone been affected by this at all?

My dad is a computer engener and was working in west London when it all happend and his work shipped him out thank god! he is now working in south hampton, well out of the way from it all.

do you think its to do with the G8?
I have heard about this because my FIL in law ang me up going we can't find Aaron!! (My brother in law). he works in London where the bombs wer going off and they couldn't reach him for gaes. They have finally found him and he is safe. it's so scary though :( Daren't turn on the telly incase I see it on the news. Selfish I know but I would probably just cry. Was anyone hurt? :(
90 people injured and 20 dead so far, but i havent watched it for an hour so i have no idea if that still stands :(
One of our best friends was on the bombed tube at Edgeware but he's ok- just got covered in soot and shaken up a bit. Trying not to get too worked up about what might have been right now- it's too awful to think about and I don't want to get too stressed out as he is fine.

Is everyone else + loved ones ok?

Just watched some of this on the telly and cried :cry: it's so sad that this is happeneing - I am so scared to bring my little baby into a world which is so distructive. I am scared of England now. :( Stupid isn't it. Why can't we feel safe to just walk around as we please in our own country :(
I've been checking the internet because it's absolutely dreadful and it's now reported that 45 have been killed and in the region of 1,000 injured. :cry:
I sometimes think it's such a horrible world we're living in, especially on days like today...
Thats so scary. We know how you feel here...after Sept 11, I will never feel secure again. Im sorry to all in London... :cry:
This world is insane!!!!
Sorry, doubled up and started another post without seeing this one.

My husband left this morning at 5am to work in London. I spent all morning desperately trying to get hold of him with no luck.....he was based about a mile from where the bus exploded.

I finally got a call about 1.30pm to say he was on his way home.........I cried and haven't really stopped all afternoon.

What a day it has been for so many people and just wanted to send love to all those who have also had a day worrying about friends and family in London.

Much love and a big hug.
I just posted on the other thread too but just to say that I've just got back from London. I work in central London and got the tube to work as normal. I just managed to get to work before they evacuated the tube stations.

It was such a scary day - a really weird atmosphere. We were locked in to our office and told not to leave until we'd received some kind of all clear. We couldn't dial out to mobiles or land lines as all lines were busy and some mobile networks restricted dialling to make way for 999 calls. This meant that we couldn't call people to let them know we were ok and couldn't call friends/family we were worried about. It was just horrible.

My closest friend was on the Aldgate tube when the bomb went off. He is OK but really shaken and in shock. Thank GOD everyone I know is OK and that I eventually managed to get home safely too.

I'm thinking of everyone tonight that was involved in today's events. ESPECIALLY those who have lost loved ones.

Let's all bring our babies up to be peaceful and loving and hopefully we can do our little bit to make the world a better place.

Lucy x
What an awful day, my dad works in central london but he was fine, and already in work when it happened. What a sick world we live in, what kind of world am i bringing my babies into :cry:
i am not normally effected as badly as i have been today i think it is coz i now am preg and don't want to bringa baby in to the world and not be able to keep them safe just walking down the road.

My thoughts are with everyone in london and the surrounding areas it is such a terrible thing.
I just wanted you all to know that you have been in my thoughts today. I hope that everyone is okay, and that all the terrorist attacks are over. I am so sorry this has happened in your country. Glad to hear the stories of all of your friends and family being okay. You are all in my prayers.

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