Not sure what to do...

Slinky Sarah

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2007
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dunno if this is the right section...sorry mods if its not...not thinking straight atm :(

Im not feeling too clever and shackey and im laid on my in just my shorts and vest top....just taken my temp and its just short of 100`F or 38`C i think it said.
Dunno what to do...shall i see how i feel in a little while or call the OH or something....parents dont know about the miscarriage so cant tell them....

Sorry ot be a nuisance
iv just cooled right down now....too cold... bah think i need to just go to sleep...
o dear i do hope ur ok and havent got sunstroke mayb u should fone ur oh just to tell someone else thats close at hand please take care of urself :hug:
Hun you sound a bit feverish. Take some paracetamol and drink lots of fluid, call your OH.

You could have an infection which may or may not be related to the MC.

If the paracetamol doesn't bring your temo down call NHS 24 and tell them what you've told us!

Hope you feel better soon

:hug: :hug: :hug:

thanks everyone...i just totally blanked at what to do. I taken co-codamol and drank a big bottle of water now and just staying in bed...still not too good physical wise from the m/c unfortunatly :oops:

i dont seem as hot now. Iv just told OH but hes home so he cant get up here (as usual no fuel in car or money for it atm :roll: ) but if i get worse again ill call them straight away.
i know its not sun stroke...been in the house constantly really except for walking to the car and back...

thanks everyonemfor the hugs and advice, really dunno where id be with out you all
hope you're feeling a bit better hun :hug: keep an eye on that temp, as someone said it could be your body fighting an infection :hug:

ibuprofen is also good for reducing temperature. keep us updated :hug:
im feeling better now...had some sleep last night so feeling much better for that. dont know what it was but probably my body just getting rid of the rest of the stuff no longer needed i guess...
Thanks everyone for your hugs

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