Not sure what to do


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2007
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I'm not sure whether it's because I've had a cold for the last few days and feeling more run down than usual or because the end is in sight with my maternity leave starting on 9th May but I've really had enough of work.
I have back/hip pains, continuously tired, not sleeping at night (carpel tunnel and horrid leg cramps not helping) and just feel like I could cry.
It doesn't help that I start work at 6am so have to get up at 4.50am
I went to see our occupational health advisor yesterday who basically said whats keeping me here and that I should go to my GP and get signed off next week. Alternative is I ask my boss if I can reduce my hours slightly.
Is there any point cause I only have 6 days left after today but I'm not sure if I can cope with much more.
DH doesn't understand how i'm feeling either, he thinks I should speak to my boss and see if she's willing to reduce my hours (she's not the most sympathetic - in her 40's, single with no kids so she has no idea what I'm going through). I know i'll end up in tears if I have to speak to my boss about it too.
One of the girls I work with said if it was her she's just get signed off.
Sorry for going on but I've just had enough and don't know what to do :(
hi hun, i dont work so i cant really offer much advice... just wanted to say i hope you find a solution thats right for you...
maybe you're boss might suprise you and be more sympathetic than you think?
I'd just go ask to be signed off sick. If you are that unhappy its never worth it IMHO. OK you'll probably lose pay, but if you can manage then go sick.

Depending on what you do your employer is obliged to ensure your safety at work etc, so maybe you can change duties? But if you sit at a desk or something its not like they have to do much as thats pretty safe and not strenuous. If it were lifting things etc, you'd have good reason to ask to change duties or possibly be sent home if they could not.
If you get paid sick pay, then i would just get signed off!!
If your boss is unsympathetic i would get signed off.

If it was me, i would talk to them first, but my managers are young and have been very understanding when i've been feeling unwell. I've also gotta try and keep a good relationship with them as my maternity pay isnt sorted out yet, head office have been ignoring emails and only acknowledged my pregnancy when i was 30 weeks!

I honestly dont think you should push yourself if you're tired or in pain.
:hug: :hug: :hug:
I agree with Sherlock, if you're not happy then get signed off, you'll only feel worse if you stay. I've been off since about 20 weeks! Originally I intended to go back once my back had eased up but it didn't and so I stayed off and have been off ever since!
I've been so much happier since too - not sleeping at night is awful but it's always worse if you know you have to get up in the morning and do something. Now if I don't sleep it doesn't stress me as much because I can sleep whenever I want during the day.

Hope you feel better soon xxxxxxxx
Sure if you feel that bad you can start your maternity leave 6 days early? I know at my company if i had rang in sick 4 wks before my mat leave started they would have automatically started my leave. Not too sure if same at yours? Hope you work it out :hug:
keli said:
Sure if you feel that bad you can start your maternity leave 6 days early? I know at my company if i had rang in sick 4 wks before my mat leave started they would have automatically started my leave. Not too sure if same at yours? Hope you work it out :hug:

Your right i read in the official documents about maternity pay that if you so off sick after a certian time your MT leave is started automatically

If you feel you cant mange anymore then do it go of sick you and your babies health is more important then one weeks pay.
if you feel this bad its best for you to take the time off and rest.
Hope you feel better soon hun :hug: :hug:
The way I see it is stress is not good for you now. Neither is having to get up so early.

You can self certify for 5 days and only have 6 days left, so you should not lose any pay.

Just don't be there anymore! :hug: :hug: :hug:

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