not looking good...


Oct 7, 2007
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I had some bleeding on Thursday night. Went to the early preg assessment unit. Not really sure how far along I am.
I had a scan and they couldn't see a baby.
So I had my hcg levels taken, they came back yesterday at 112.
Now I found out I was pregnant 6 days before i had my bloods drawn.

im thinking a level of 112 is low for almost a week after finding out i was pregnant.

i haven't had a lot of bleeding, it's really only been when ive wiped, and i#ve had hardly any cramps.

it nothing like as bad as when i lost the twin.

i would love to hear of anyone's experiences. i am hoping that i am just too early to see anything.
sory hun i dont no much about hcg levels but i "think" they are ment to be higher then that
it may well be to early to see anything so dont panic just yet
hold out a few more days if you an and get your levels tested again or if bleeding/cramps get worse go back to epu see if they can help anymore
manda xx
Hey Hon, 112 is okay after 1 week. Try to stay positive :hug:
thanks everyone.
I'm heading back to the hospital now for my 2nd lot of bloodwork.
I'll let you know when I hear.
Good luck, I hope things work out for you :pray:
Good Luck i really hope its good news for you. :hug:
thanks everyone.
its really hard just waiting it out
they say i can call back after 9 and the results should be ready.
if not it will be tomorrow morning.
fingers crossed for you hon,

i'll be looking out for your post :hug:


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