:( Not having a good time (long sorry!)


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2007
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I suppose this is normal but just seeing if anyone had experienced the same....

Somedays I feel so well and am so happy with being pregnant and other days I just want to curl up and die...

Past few weeks ive been passing out A LOT and I really have a bad time with it :( it seems to be more severe than usual passing out :puke: you name it im getting it...

I just knew I was going to have a difficult pregnancy and I want to cry and kick and scream...

also, on top of this my doctors are really complicating things, they are just so stupid, have had to have the same blood test 3 times, and now it has to be repeated again :wall: the having blood taken thing makes me really ill for days :(


I have been having very severe headaches, awful, very very painful to the point where my OH thought he had killed me (funny now but not at the time :rotfl: )

Sorry if im going on but just wanted some advice and somewhere to moan!!

Thanks for listening girlies!! :cheer:
Sorry to read you are having a hard time right now. :hug:

I sympathise with the passing out. I have had blackouts a few times in the last month or so. The doctors said I was mildy anaemic so have put me on the iron tablets but I still feel a bit weak and dizzy at times. :(

Anaemia can also be the cause of the headaches and discomfort you feel after having blood taken.

Unfortunately the only way the doctors can tell what is up with you is to do tests. :( So I guess it's a bit of a vicious circle.

There are some things you can do to help yourself in the meantime:

Drink more water, it's important to stay hydrated as the baby is taking a lot of your resources at the moment.
Get your BP checked in case it is also a bit low.
Make sure you are getting the right vitamins into your body, vitamin C in particular helps the body absorb iron. Likewise with glucoze, if you have low blood sugar, that can make you feel horrible too.
Rest as and when you need it. Take a nap during the day if you can.
When you get a headache, take a paracetemol with a big glass of water and try to relax.
Have your eyesight checked. Sometimes in pregnancy vision changes and you may need an alteration to your prescription.

I hope you feel better soon. You never know, these headaches and passing out spells might pass just as quickly as they came.

Thanks hun..

Been taking these pro natal vitamins

Its just nice to know im not the only one :roll:

This poor child will know what she did to her mummy hehe :cheer:

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