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Not having a good day today!! :(


Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2006
Reaction score
hey girls, just need to let off a bit of steam - hope you dont mind.

well Danny went back to camp yesterday morning at 5am where he was then going to Newquay on an adventure training with the army.

last night he phoned to say the lads were going out for a few drinks down in the town centre, all was fine he rung me about 7.45pm and said he would ring me when he got back (i am a very big worrier and if he says he is going to call i cannot rest/sleep until he has called - its the same with all my family!) anyway, i woke up about 11pm and he hadnt called so tried to go back to sleep where i woke again at 12am - rang his phone and it was ringing so me, being a worrier, kept ringing and ringing his phone with no answer. i txt his mate to ask if he knew where Danny was which is replied to me he was 'in bed' so i was soooo upset as he didnt ring me i could hardly sleep last night (he knows that i cannot sleep if i dont hear from him) so i finally drifted off to sleep about 2am feeling very shitty, and guess what? i had a fooking dream that he had cheated on me and didnt want me anymore, well that was it, 5am i was up again and really, really upset i couldnt get back to sleep and felt very very shitty and depressed.

he rung me at 7am this morning and was oblivious to why i was upset so i told him and he said he was sorry but i just feel really emotional today especially after the dream i had, it was awful and feel sick to mystomach, i know he would never cheat on me i woudl bet my life on it, but i still feel really shitty. i am sat here crying at work now writing this, i cried when he rang and feel so depressed today PLUS the fact im not pregnant and right at this moment feel like i never will, there are loads of people i know who are getting pregnant at the moment and although i am over the moon for them i feel so crap about myself, Danny wants a baby so much, as do i, but i feel like i am not going to ever be able to give him one and that scares me and upsets me soooo much.

god what a long post - i am ever so sorry to everyone for moaning, i just needed to let off some steam - i have never been this upset before.

sorry :(
I don't know what to say so here is a :hug:

It does start to get you down when you don't fall pregnant and i was feeling pretty down this morning as i was sure i had ovulated by my temps suggest differently. If i was near you i would give you a proper :hug: but i can't so i hope that this helps a little :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Guys don't understand that women worry bu i have complete sympathy for you x :hug:
Oh hunny, im sorry you are having a bad day :(

As you have said danny loves you & would never cheat on you so you have nothing to worry about.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Oh hunnie I'm sorry your having a bad day :hug: :hug: :hug:

I hate having dreams like that, they always seem so real don't they?

Men :roll: . Can't live with 'em, can't kill 'em either :wink:
yeah they do seem sooo real but it isnt just that, i dont know what is up with me, i feel so depressed today and cant seem to shake it off i want to be pregnant so much, i want to give Danny a cuddle and i just feel today like it will never happen!!! :(
Sorry to hear you had a bad day, any condolance, it's a general thing with serving people. They tend to get caught up in the moment, would you have prefered a totally drunk call that you couldn't understand a word of, or a clear call? I've served and know a lot of serving, it's a downfall to them.

Any questions, give me a PM.

Serving men act like kids when they are all together out on the lash!
i had a dream the my OH cheated on me too. My mum sed that you dream of things like that when youre pregnant, coz she had them when she was pregnant. Strange huh!

im too havin a shitty day feel like throwin up all the time completly shattered off to bed after these posts. My OH has gone to london for 2 days so feeling a lil lonly atm.

Things we put up wiv eh. Try not to get the pregnancy get to you it will happen one day hun. When u get home av a good cry pick yourself up and pamper yourself, always makes u feel better :hug:
Aw babes, wish I could give you a big hug :hug: :hug:

Those dreams are awful and I hate to be the bearer of bad news but pregnancy tends to bring on those kinds of dreams too coz I've had loads of them :(

Men dont think sometimes, remember my post when DH was abroad and he didnt phone me for 3 days? He just didnt think and thought he was doing me a favour by not waking me up during night by ringing :roll: Thats just how men think sometimes. Think you're just having a really bad day and I'm sure you will be happier soon :hug: :hug:
Snuggle said:
Aw babes, wish I could give you a big hug :hug: :hug:

Those dreams are awful and I hate to be the bearer of bad news but pregnancy tends to bring on those kinds of dreams too coz I've had loads of them :(

Men dont think sometimes, remember my post when DH was abroad and he didnt phone me for 3 days? He just didnt think and thought he was doing me a favour by not waking me up during night by ringing :roll: Thats just how men think sometimes. Think you're just having a really bad day and I'm sure you will be happier soon :hug: :hug:

awww thanks babe - i always love readin your posts you always make me cheer up!!!! (although not completley today ;) lol)

thanks darlin - i think i am just feeling sorry for myself, dont worry i will be fine, can you all please just send me some god damn baby dust LOL and lots and LOTS of sticky glue? :D
Bag of baby dust for Leanne

And some sticky glue too

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Aw Miss Gobby :hug: :hug: :hug: , you sound like you are down and that's that. Your hubby hasn't done anything wrong or ever will. You are always on here being up-beat, maybe it's time for you to indulge in a good old grumble. I thought jem24's Idea about pampering yourself is just the ticket.

Bottle of wine
Hot bath - loads of bubbles

Or a real soppy chick flick to make you cry

Hope you feel better tomorrow
arrww thanks Becs :hug:

its probably becuase i am tired too that i am feeling so emotional today!!

im on a diet today so cant eat chocolates although wish i could, im determind to lose some weight lol

*sighs* :hug:
MissGobby said:
arrrwww thanks Skairdy hun - any sign of AF again? :pray:

No sign at all hun. I keep getting a few twinges but then again I've been getting them for over a week now. It's just doing my head in, I wish either I'd come on or get a BFP :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: awwww hun we all have days like this. i cant remeber how many times i have had dreams about andy cheatin and woke up not speakin to him but he dont know why. i dont know wots worse when they dont call worrying they are up to something or worrying there is something wrong. they dont realise what they put us thru. hope you feel in a better mood soon, maybe when you get home you should try havin a relaxin bath and watchin a girlie film whilst pampering yourself hun and give yourswelf some well deserved me time.

thanks girls i think what i might do is get straight into my PJs when i get home (hehe) then laze about watching Hollyoaks and Emmerdale then might go to bed and lay in my lovely comfy bed whilst watching 2x Corrie and 'Enders


thanks girlies!!! :hug:
im hoping i will get a good nights sleep tonight as DF wont be going out so dont have to wait for him to phone!! :D that will probably do me the world of good

see you all tomorrow girlies

Skairdy - hope AF stays away for you


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