Hmmm. At 7 and a half weeks, I find I suddenly have more energy - thank God. I am still a bit queasy at times but not too bad. I am still very hungry most days but not to the extent that I was during the first few weeks.
I went to church on Sunday and cried a bucket cos the singing was so nice. People stared. My OH was really worried about me! Breasts are still sore in patches.
I just hope that this is me getting used to pregnancy and not me getting ready to lose this one because the symptoms don't seem so pronounced any more...
Anyone else feeling much better?
I went to church on Sunday and cried a bucket cos the singing was so nice. People stared. My OH was really worried about me! Breasts are still sore in patches.
I just hope that this is me getting used to pregnancy and not me getting ready to lose this one because the symptoms don't seem so pronounced any more...
Anyone else feeling much better?