Not feeling pregnant


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2010
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Hi all :)

I'm 15 weeks, 4 days. I have had 2 miscarriages and have so far this time had a fairly easy pregnancy - not really any morning sickness etc. I went for the 12 weeks scan, and happily this time there was a heartbeat. However, I don't seem to be getting any sort of bump or anything and I feel totally normal. I'm now starting to worry that something has happened and the baby's heart has stopped beating.

I'm just wondering if there are any others out there who wouldn't even know they were pregnant and don't look it unless they'd seen the scan!

When do you start looking pregnant?!

Thanks :) xxx
Don't worry! I felt like this right up to my 20 week scan...i had no bump, no symptoms, no movement - even at 20 weeks! I always had a fear that at my scan they would say something was wrong and baby wasn't growing as it should have. But straight away I could see the heartbeat pounding away and baby had grown so much!! Then just before 22 weeks it all started happening! Bump and loads of movement appeared both at same time! Now I am getting bigger by the day! Mine did come on late, baby took it's time but it was woth the wait - for you movement could happen anytime from 16-22 weeks and bump will come when it's ready! xx
im the same. never really had any symptoms the whole way through. hoping when i see midwife on friday i will get to hear heartbeat to put my mind at rest. sure everything will be ok hun. xxx
Im same to kind of. I have the sickness but that about it. Im 18 weeks 2moro and if i didnt feel sick id feel normal and i look only a little chubby if anything and this is my 2nd x
You wouldn't know I was pregnant yet still, not really got a bump and was only sick once or twice and don't really have any other symptoms at the minute, don't let it worry you x
thanks everyone :) i say this to my mum sometimes and she tells me to stop being silly, os it's nice to know IU'm not the only one! I have a midwife appt tomorrow for my 16 week checkup and hopefully she will get a heartbeat. If not, I may request a scan to put my mind at ease!! xxx
defo my midwife got my babies heartbeat then straight away too ive booked a private scan for tonight cause like you i keep thinking stuff and people keep saying stop being silly but untill im happy i will keep thinking all sorts haha x

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