not fair...

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Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2007
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apparantly im not supposed to share my feelings and things with you guys, because apparantly no matter what i say im being disrespectful and arrogant. im sorry but i think this place is not where i need to be because it seems now the only time i cry and get down is when i visit shouldnt be that way and you should seriously think about this with future members. when someone goes through something like a miscarriage, the least helpful thing you can do is make them feel like a bother and ridiculous for their feelings.
no im not gonna get involved, i dont understand how so many people are being nasty, they are a lovely bunch and give nothing but support to everyone, :? why would they be horrible to you?
im sorry but you must have said something off or something because they wouldnt just be nasty for no reason :|
all i was doing was expressing my feelings, and what i said was as nice as possible and as respectful as posible...
but yes of course, no one could POSSIBLY have said anything rude to ME :roll:
well ive been here over a year now and no one has ever just been nasty to anyone, especially those who have suffered losses for absolutely NO reason
Sorry breeze im going to have to agree here with mel ive been here for 2yrs and i have had nothing but support from people on this forum they are a great bunch of girls and couldnt ask for a better place to come to if you dont like the responses your getting in anyway from people then thats your problem but why would they have any reason to be horrid to you for?? Cant make that one out :think:
If you have been talking to people like you posted on rachies thread then theres no wonder really. I understand youve had a hard time and that it is hard for you to see people getting bfp but there are other people on the forum who have gone through the same as you and they put on a brave face and be happy for them, It will happen for you it really will but untill then please be happy for others :)
breezee I know I am not the mod you are reffering to but I do agree with them that it is not fair that you think you are feeling more pain than other mums who have miscarried.

We have tried time and time again to support you in this...what exactly is it that you want from us???
Do you only mums who have no children and have miscarried to reply to your threads? I'm sorry to say this but there are people on this board who have been through worse shit that you and YOU are being selfish to think you are somehow suffering more than everybody else.

If I can just quote you:

people who already have children and miscarry ,well, the sadness they have is just pure selfishness

WHO THE HELL ARE YOU to say that the loss of a child can or cannot affect people in a certain way??????????
They have lost a child, just like you. A child that should have been brought into this world has died.... their child has died....and they are SELFISH to feel sadness at this loss???????

If you cannot deal with other people feeling pain about losing their children I suggest you pm me to discuss this, because I do not agree with this AT ALL

I await your response.
As I am the mod you are talking about, I thought it only fair that I give my side of the story. Afterall, instead of replying to my last PM you took it uopn yourself to bring it into the public forum other than dealing with this privately.

I deleted one of your posts because I had complaints, quite rightly, that it was very offensive to other members. You were basically saying that women who already have children couldnt possibly really feel pain when they have a miscarriage. I pm'd you and explained why I had deleted it, I offered you support and told you we wanted to help you but we couldnt allow posts that cause so much offense to so many other members. You then replied as Urchin quoted, that for a woman with children to feel pain at a miscarriage is selfish

I responded as sensitively as possible, bearing in mind I was deeply offended by your remarks as many other women would be. I even gave you a link to another forum that was geared towards miscarriage and would not have so many pregnant women for you to get upset by!

Yes I called your post and your reply to me arrogant and dis-respectful, as thats what it was. I still cant beleive anyone could think such a thing, and as Urchin says, who are you to tell anyone how they should be feeling?

We want you to use this forum for support, we dont want ANYONE to feel ostracised or that they cant talk about how they feeling, but it seems you are going out of you way recently to cause as much pain to others as possible, even posting negative comments in a BFP thread in TTC.

If some areas of the forum upset you, DONT GO THERE!!!

How many more allowances are we supposed to make breezee? How many more complaints do we have to deal with? We are not responsible for you, we do not owe you anything. If you need support and advice then by all means use the forum for that, but your situation does not grant you lisence to be so damn rude and insulting.

Now I ask you to stop bringing private conversation into the public forum and if you have an issue with anything said then use the PM feature.
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