Not doin too good today

i usually have omaprezole for my acid reflux and the doctor wouldnt give me them cos i was preg, they would only give me gaviscon and said they wont prescribe anything else for stomach stuff during pg. as a former bulemic i can say that bleeding when throwing up is only usual if you have vomited to excess repeatedly in a short space of time, u get clear fluid as there is no food and it is basically saliva, u can get yellowish bile occasionally or small amounts of blood, usually bright red or pinky. darker blood or large amounts are something to be very concerned about as they could be a rupture or anything in your stomach, intestines or eosophagus.

Thanks Bev

See I had the yellow bile stuff monday morning with the same clear eh goo and today was the same only bright red instead of yellow so figured it was just because there was nothing in my tummy, so it didnt overly panic me even though the emergency doc said it wasnt normal i figured if it was anything harmful firstly there would have been more blood and secondly I would have been sick again since

It is so hard to tell though when Iv been feeling so horrible the last few weeks anyway, If im not feeling right or get sick again in the morning il defo go A and E but think for now il just stay curled up on the sofa
if your getting sick a lot and its damaging your throat its a bad thing hun, the docs or hosp can give you anti sickness pills which will do u more good than the omaprezole, those are for controlling stomach acid so if its morning sickness they wont really help.
see thats the thing I have been feeling awful but only got sick twice, Monday with the yellow stuff and then today with the blood so dont think it can be from that , too late now so just gonna hang on and see how i feel tmrw and if i get sick again im goin straight to A and E
Think I might not take them pills though I did take one today before I seen ur post sayin your doc said not to lol
i might be wrong but when i first found out i had horrible heartburn due to the pg aggravating my acid reflux. normally when i have an acid attack i get those pills off the doc but this time they would only give me gaviscon.
to get blood you must have been retching pretty hard hun if your not sick often as small amounts of red blood are usually a small tear in the eosophagial lining.
Feelin good bit better today more normal nausea not the strange feeling I had yesterday, I think il just put it down to one of them strange unexplainable things, If it was anything harmfull im pretty sure it would have happened again and id be feeling a hell of a lot worse than i do

Thanks for all the help and advise yeterday xxx

Have my booking in app in the hosp on Tuesday so will mention it then anyway just to be safe
Glad to hear you are feeling better now! Take care xx

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