Hi i know this isnt the right place to share this but i really need some advice. So years ago my sons dad (DS is 9) cheated on me and got someone else pregnant. They then got together and had a son who is around 4 (i think) they also have a daughter who is 1.
I never ever stopped my son being apart of their family, seeing his brother etc.
Anyway when the gf was pregnant with the daughter they split up and my ex told me he wouldnt be having anything to do with the newborn or his other son anymore. (I have no idea what happend, no idea why) and that was that. He hasnt seen his son for almost 2 years and has never met his daughter. My son was very close to his brother and loved him so much but the ex gf refuses to let my son see the kids, at first i used to take Ryan to meet her and his brother in the park etc then one day she said to ryan you cant see your brother again as its not fair you see your dad and he doesnt. This was a year and half ago, i have wrote to her, popped around to her house and she just says no. A year and half later my son has anxiety, never stops talking about his brother and just isn't the child he used to be.
Is there anything i can do?
Is there legally any rights for the kids to see each other?
There not my kids and everyone says if my ex doesnt care why should i.. honestly i dont but i care for my son and his life has been turned upside down.
Sorry for going on but i feel better just for writing it down. My head was going to explode x
I never ever stopped my son being apart of their family, seeing his brother etc.
Anyway when the gf was pregnant with the daughter they split up and my ex told me he wouldnt be having anything to do with the newborn or his other son anymore. (I have no idea what happend, no idea why) and that was that. He hasnt seen his son for almost 2 years and has never met his daughter. My son was very close to his brother and loved him so much but the ex gf refuses to let my son see the kids, at first i used to take Ryan to meet her and his brother in the park etc then one day she said to ryan you cant see your brother again as its not fair you see your dad and he doesnt. This was a year and half ago, i have wrote to her, popped around to her house and she just says no. A year and half later my son has anxiety, never stops talking about his brother and just isn't the child he used to be.
Is there anything i can do?
Is there legally any rights for the kids to see each other?
There not my kids and everyone says if my ex doesnt care why should i.. honestly i dont but i care for my son and his life has been turned upside down.
Sorry for going on but i feel better just for writing it down. My head was going to explode x