Wondered if anyone could help? I tried having a relaxed month, no symptom spotting, no researching etc. Until yesterday when I had 2 nose bleeds, around 10dpo. (4 days before period due). Can anyone tell me, in their opinion or experience, could this be a really big good bfp sign? I'm hoping so. Been actively trying for at least 9+ months. From what I have read online nosebleeds is a early sign of pregnancy but because of all the disappointment in previos months I am worried to get my hopes up. I'm due on on saturday and waiting for Sunday to test seems like forever away. Lol. I keep telling myself I could be looking too much into it and the weather could have caused it? Although I never have nosebleeds lol. I also had slight tummy cramping 2 days ago. My boobs usually hurt every month after ovulation but this month they didn't, only just starting to tingle now. Please, thoughts ladies? Anyone else had the nosebleed experience?