Normal delivery after a c-section?


Active Member
Jan 6, 2007
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I had to have a c-section with my son. I was induced at 42 weeks and after 24 hours of labour was only 5cm dilated. The whole experience was pretty awful up to the point at which I saw my goregous little man emerge!

I'm 22 weeks pregnant now with baby number 2 and wondered how many of you ladies had had a normal delivery following a c-section, as I would love to give birth naturally this time.

My doctor and midwife are happy for me to give it a go (subject to everything going smoothly) but wondered what everyone else's experiences were.
Im pregnant after having an emergency section, but i was told its a no no, as to having a natrual birth, so im being booked in for a section this time, i would love to give birth normally, im so envious of you, hope you get the birth you want and all goes ok..

Im getting sterlised when i have my section, as wll argh! :hug: :hug:
I had a normal delivery in february after having a planned section 8 years ago.
Was scary as i didnt have any labour experience,but was very worthwhile
they will monitor you closley (obviously) incase any problems from the last time start happening but hopefully you get to do it this time
:hug: :hug:
best wishes
I planned to have a natural delivery with Sam.

Consultant and everyone backed me up and encouraged it as there is around a 70% success rate.

Ended up having a section again due to mischievous baby but as long as positioning etc is all right...i.e head down you should be able to :D
i had a c-section with Kiyanna. waters broke at 37+3 and once at hospital i just didnt have the energy to push and she was getting distressed so was rushed in 4 a section. had a normal labour with Elise just had to be monitored closly to make sure baby was ok
x sophie x
I haven't had a vaginal delivery after caesarian but I might be with this baby. Like you, my Consultant thinks it might be possible, depends on how things are closer to the due date.

I'm keeping an open mind. I don't really mind either way how I have the baby. There are benefits in both methods, vaginal or caesarian, so I shall leave it to the hands of "fate" for the time being. :)

Good luck!
Thanks everyone for your experiences. Let's hope we all the get the births we want.

However, I know we'll be just as happy if all our plans got to pot but we still end up with a healthy baby in the end!!

Good luck!

You in a similar situation to me then. Im having to decide in 3 weeks what i want to do . I hope your labour goes smoothly

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