
Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2005
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Just when I thought she might start cheering up a bit.... :roll:

She had her 4 top teeth come through really quickly over the past 4 weeks, so now has 6 teeth.

Today I noticed 3 more telltale marks on her gums and one breaking through already! :cry:

Accounts for her bad mood, dribbling and grabbing at her ears. Poor Ella! (But also poor mummy, am worn out!).

Never realised she teeth this much this early, thought it would be more gradual :?

In a way though maybe it's better to get it all out of the way in one go?

Brody has been teething loads but as yet only has one tooth, he'll be teething for aaaaages at this rate :lol:
Rubie's still a gummy bear!!!
OMG Kina I feel for you girl! I think we've just about finished on the 6th tooth (in a month) and I'm breathing such a sigh of relief as it has been hellish so I'm right with you there. At least as Urchin says you'll be getting it all over with at once though- no drawn out niggling for months and months eh? Still it's tough on you both. Lots of hugs (())

Thanks hon :hug: It's bloody hard isn't it?

Urchin - I'm sure in a few months I'll be well chuffed that she's got it over and done with, can't quite feel like it at the moment.... :wall: :lol:
sympathise 100% with you hun, i'm there myself at the moment. and still no sign of him actually CUTTING teeth, they have been just visible under the gumline for ages now and he is suffering with it. i so wish they'd hurry up and come through!

wow, ella has got her teeth through really fast hasn't she... it'll be great when they're all here and it's over and done with!
:wave: another grizzly baby over here!

Olivia is dribbling non stop, her bib needs to be changed countless times a day!

When she got her two bottom teeth the Ashton & Parsons powders worked really well but this time they don't seem to do anything for her.

I feel for you Kina, with this heat, being pg and having a gizzly baby you must be shattered!

Coby is teething at teh mo, i can see two under the gum but they are not hrough yet,

he keeps grabbing and rubbing at his ear, i took him to teh docs but he said its not infected or anything, i hate it when he does it coz i always think its hurting him :(

dior has two back teeth coming through right now, im hoping she hurries and cuts all her teeth before harl starts teethin... 2 teething babies!!!!! get my straight jacket ready lol

poor lil ella. :hug:

but i still swear by medised rather then calpol :D

Where do you buy Medised? After you recommended it in another post a while ago I tried to get it in my local chemist but they all had a blank look on their faces and then I forgot about it but I'd be interested to get some cos I don't think Calpol works on Olivia.

Thanks Dionne & Kim, I'll look for some tomorrow

do you use it kim? do you find it better?
Ella is a gummy bear aswell, no signs atall. Is it really as bad as it sounds????? wish I didnt read this thread Im scared now lol :D
I got Medised in Boots and in Lloyds (left one bottle at my parents' house just in case). I found it much better than calpol, especially as he had a cold as well at the time so thanks Dionne for telling us about it! One of the women in my post-natal group is a Dr and she said she's using it with her teething baby too.

yes medised is the only thing that works for ruben too (although i don't like giving it to him every night, it does help when he is screaming the place down and gnawing at his fist)

it's like it's this big "secret weapon" that gets passed on by word of mouth from mums in the know! :lol: i'd never even heard of it before!

Kina poor you that must be tough on both of you.

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