Noodle1 has had her baby


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2007
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Hi everyone, I just wanted to let you all know that my little sister Noodle1 has had a lovely little baby boy called Thomas, he was born at 2325 hours on yesterday. He is 6lb 5.5oz measuring 52cm long. She was induced yesterday morning as she had pre-eclampsia but all is well and they are both fine and hopefully going home tomorrow.
Great news...glad all is well!
Many congratulations to Noodle1 & family & Welcome to baby Thomas :cheer:
alfie said:
Hi everyone, I just wanted to let you all know that my little sister Noodle1 has had a lovely little baby boy called Thomas, he was born at 2325 hours on yesterday. He is 6lb 5.5oz measuring 52cm long. She was induced yesterday morning as she had pre-eclampsia but all is well and they are both fine and hopefully going home tomorrow.

Oh my goodness I was wondering how she was getting along... was this a sudden thing because I'm sure she was online at the weekend? :think:

Many congratulations to all the family. Can't wait to see some pics of Thomas when she gets a chance to post them. :)

Please give her a big hug from me :hug:
was this a sudden thing because I'm sure she was online at the weekend? :think:

Yes she had protein in her wee, and impared liver function tests on sunday so she was admitted to hospital. They induced her on Monday morning. That was 9 days early.

Aww congratulations Noodle & Thomas..... :cheer:
Congratulations noodle! I hope you are feeling okay.

Valentine xxx
Massive CONGRATULATIONS Noodle and welcome to the world baby Thomas :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
alfie said:
was this a sudden thing because I'm sure she was online at the weekend? :think:

Yes she had protein in her wee, and impared liver function tests on sunday so she was admitted to hospital. They induced her on Monday morning. That was 9 days early.


Thanks Alfie. I'm glad they acted quickly for her and LO. I had PET with my last pregnancy so know how serious it can be for some mums.

When you next see her can you please tell her I'm a little miffed she beat me to it! :) That's two of my online pregnancy forum friends who have got their first now! :lol:

Hi everyone

Thanks for your replies!

Thomas and I were allowed to come home yesterday afternoon and we are now all getting used to each other!

I will post some pictures as soon as I get a chance for you all to see!!!

Nikki xxx

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

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