non pg help needed


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2006
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my son has just been chosen to do a school exchange to moscow in november,we r so proud of him because he has been picked out of 400 other kids but now the 5 that have been chosen have to raise £500 pound each to go and i was hoping you ladies would help me with some ideas of how to get the money any suggestions please. thanks for reading.
this is my son who is going
car boot? sponsered walks/run? tombola? sponsered silence?
Sit in a bath of baked beans in the middle of town for sponsor money! I always wanted to see someone do that!
Car boots are a good idea, get everyone you know to donate stuff, you will be amazed how much you can make!! Good luck!
thanks girls don't know about the beans though lol
Wow!! Congratulations!!! :clap: :clap:
I will get my thinking cap on.

Emilia xx
Well done Kieron, is that like an exchange where he goes to stay with a family and you have a student stay with you?!
kims idea of doing a car boot sounds like a good one! everyone keeps stuff around the house they dont really need so if friends and family can donate stuff to you will be well away. also if your going to do one keep an eye on ads in your local paper for people clearing out there houses and offering job lots of stuff for car boots iv seen them in our local papers for next to nothing and it may help to speculate to accumulate ;)
Set up a car wash day. Make sure your advertise it is for a charity then people might be willing to have car washed. Obviously your poor boy and his mates will have to wash cars but its summer so could be fun.

Will try and think of some more.
he could offer his help to your neighbours and explain to them why he's doing it?

such as watering their plants when they're on holiday? that sort of thing :think:

he cant go wot will poor hannah do

walk, car boot, do like a sponsered starve for 12 hours emmm, bungee jump :lol:
sell a random thing on ebay, make sure you say what proceeds are for, u never know u cud make a load!!!
hiya was just wondering if he made the money and if hes been xx
yes they did make money thanks from car boots and table tops and sponsered cricket match and he goes on the 11th of november will hopefully post some pics when he has been
yeay, lol no it was a while back u posted but was readin my 1st posts n that was it!!!

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