No where to turn!


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2012
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It's been such a long time since I have posted in this forum but really hoping for just someone who gets what I'm about to waffle on about. I have 3 healthy living children and one angel who was born sleeping at 19 weeks in September last year! There was no found cause for her death 😢! I am currently 20+6 with my rainbow. I am terrified!! I have an anterior placenta which makes movements scarse and today at my scan I have been told I gave placenta previa.
It just seems I have nobody to talk to about this, the groups I belong to on fb are all grieving mums and there are only a very select few people in my day to day life that know about my rainbow!
Sorry to waffle on ladies just needed somewhere to put this I guess xx
I don't know about what your going through but didn't want to read and run, hope someone here can give you their experiences of what they went through with the same thing, hugs. X
Hi Hun I had placenta previa with my second child unfortunately mine covered right the way across so was unable to have a natural birth and had a c section .... My cousin had it but hers moved and she went in to have a natural birth .... Sorry to hear about your angel baby .... Of course your going to feel so panicky at everything and that is totally understandable I think you just need to take one day at a time xx
Thank you ladies, mine is only partial so not covering fully, so they are hopeful it will move! Can I ask if you had bleeding etc as this is what terrifies me? Xx
My cousin had a beautiful pregnancy ..... Mine was very different but that was due to a lot of things I did have an emergency c sec due to a haemorrhage but I was told it was anything to do with havin placenta previa they just had to get baby out as my blood pressure dropped real low and baby was in distress but I had been arguing something hadn't been right with him for weeks .....
If it wasn't for other things my pregnancy would of been fine even with the placenta previa and the idea of c sec grew on me bcos I knew for definite wen I would of been meeting baby xx

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