no symptoms but 2 positive pregnancy tests


Nov 23, 2008
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I am feeling rather anxious that i am not feeling different at 5 weeks - should i be? so far i have been exhausted (could be down to job) and got the odd tingle in breast a couple of weeks ago, but nothing concrete at all sign/symptom wise.
Is anyone else experiencing anything similar?? many thanks
Hi, dont worry, you might regret saying this in a few weeks time when symptoms hit you hard!
Not everyone gets sicknes, something like 80% will - and some it will hit further on in their pregnancy.
Youre still quite early and the hormones need to build up.

and congrats :cheer:
I'd say 2 positive tests is a good sign :) I didn't get the sickness until 6 or 7 weeks and the tiredness really wiped me out at about 8 to 10 weeks.
Enjoy this time while you can! Good luck with your pregancy, hope it all goes well for you.
Hi, thanks for your speedy reply, i am seeing the doctor on the 2nd Dec for first visit, do you know what they do at this time, i was told they arrange midwifes etc but do they do an ultrasound or anything like that to check fetal heartbeat?

sorry for all the questions
My doctor said congratulations and told me the midwife would phone to arrange an appointment at 8-10 weeks. So, not very excting. They don't even confirm the pregnancy :lol:
This is my first pregnancy and i was under the impression that they do a blood test and check that you are actually pregnant, i know this sounds crazy but i kind of want to hear it from them. how do you know all is going well? especially if you don't feel any different.

congratulations to all expecting, i hope you have great pregnancies and births.
They only do blood tests if youve had problems like bleeding.
At my doctors I just had to make an appointment with the midwife for 10 weeks, I'm going on tuesday and I think she'll take bloods then.
They dont really bother with you till then as you'll have missed 2 periods by that point and chances are evrything si fine if you get to that point.

Try not to worry, it is a scary time the first 12 weeks but it's like no news is good news with pregnany - ie no bleedign or chronic pains then everything is probably going just fine. :hug:
thanks all, you are right i just have to keep fingers crossed and hope for the best until i have something more visible. i guess if the pregnancy tests are still reading pregnant it should be ok. it is nerve wracking though.

:hug: for you all
Like you I never had many symptoms, and it stayed that way until I got into Tri 2 (at which point I had severe constipation and heartburn). I never had any sickness at all and I was so relieved to be honest!

I wont even begin to list the aches, pains and discomfort I suffer now - make the most of being symptom free whilst you can - 2 positive tests is fantastic, and congratulations on your pregnancy :D

I promise the nerves get better as the weeks go on......
Congratulations hun, I know how worried you are but please try and enjoy your pregnancy :hug:
Hey all,
not sure if you can help, but i have noticed my urine is quite cloudy, i noticed this when i did the pregnancy test so i thought i would catch a new sample to check if it has gone. although not everytime, i have noticed it still is and had floating bits (like skin/lining cells) in it. I have no symptoms at all, and drink loads of water and eat very healthily everyday, this has only come about since i found out i was pregnant. anyone had anything similar??

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