No scan until 15 weeks but paranoid


Aug 5, 2007
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I've been reading here since I first found out I was pregnant at around 7 weeks. I am 13+1 now and still paranoid, even more so as my daughter (aged 7 now) was born with a serious heart condition.

Where I live, they don't do scans until 16 weeks. I've been lucky enough to get one at 15 weeks which will be on August 21st, but I keep reading about missed miscarriages and being petrified this is what will happen with this baby.

I have seen my midwife when I was exactly 12 weeks and she tried to listen for heartbeat but couldn't get it. She thought she may have done a couple of times but I didn't hear it. She told me she heard lots of movement and said it's a wriggler but again. I just don't see how she knew it was movement and not just my 'insides sounds' if you see what I mean??

I still have the same minimal symptoms I have done all along - slight feelings of sickness and gagging (but not being sick), heavier boobs, sore nipples and slight heartburn. They've not really changed all along but I am totally paranoid.

Is anyone in a similar situation or been here?? I just can't convince myself I am pregnant until that scan proves it for me. I hate having to be worried and sound whingy but thought chatting to others might help me out a little.

Thankyou for listening.
hi hun, welcome and im sorry you are having a worrying time, :hug:

i havent really had any symptoms recently and i know its worrying but its quite normal for your symptoms to disappear.

Have you throught about getting a doppler to put your mind at rest till your scan? :)

I really wish i could help you hun, but surely they would have given you more regular scans with your daughters heart conditions.

I wish you all the best with your scan give me a shout if you need a chat or anything take care :hug: :hug:
omg thats bad.

when i miscarried in 05 and got pregnant in 06 they scanned me at 12weeks 3 days. i would of thought they would of scanned u on this one considering your daughter had a heart condition just to be sure your babys in good health too :) :hug: :hug: :hug:
16 weeks seems to be a long time to wait for your first scan. Do you get another one later on?

I'm sure everything is ok babes. The worrying never stops. xxx
I agree with Carly, 15 weeks is a great time to get scanned as baby is more formed, try not to worry too much, i know it's easy for others to say but i was given that advice when i was worried at the beginning of my pregnancy and it really helped :hug: :hug: :hug:
thankyou so much for all the replies. I had another mini panic about it all this morning but then pulled myself together, told myself I still have symptoms (as I was gagging like mad for no reason), nothing to suggest anything is wrong and I cannot worry like this for the next 2 weeks before the scan - it'll do no good either way. It sorta worked I think cos I feel a bit better now.

Carly, thankyou for you reply. Made me feel better to know others waited to later for the scan and felt the same - I was starting to wonder if I was on my own with massive worries.

Thankyou all again!
It's almost here! Scan date is Tuesday, veeeeeeery early in the morning - 8.45am! But at least thats less time to work myself up (in theory!).

Still haven't managed to relax completely, even on holiday last week I was obssessing about it for the first part of the week then came to some strange acceptance that I couldn't change anything so what will be, will be, and feel slightly better now.

I just feel that I feel too normal (does that make sense?). I do still get a bit sicky and other symptoms not completely gone although I'm 15 weeks now but I won't believe it until I see that picture on the screen. I just can't convince myself I am pregnant yet. Having not managed to produce a 'healthy' child yet I am sure is what's made me more nervous this time - I imagine problems at every step along the way and reading the internet is no help sometimes! I would've liked to be more involved here but I kept reading stuff and panicking myself even more. I hope to be much more involved after tuesday! I am so grateful for replies I've had on here - they've helped to keep me sane while my head is trying to convince me I'm not pregnant!

I will be go for a heart scan later on (around 20 weeks) should everything be ok at this first one (everything possible crossed!!) just for peace of mind or at least prior warning as our daughter has heart problems.

Feel better writing my concerns down as hubby's had enough of hearing about my worries I think but I tend to feel better after writing.

Now just got to try and get through today and tomorrow without a nervous breakdown and see what Tuesday brings.

Love Emma
good luck for tues hun im sure all will be fine, let us know how you get on hun

take care :hug: :hug:

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