No pictures in swimming pool rule


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2007
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I took Collier to the pool the first time on Wednesday and took my camera
He LOVED it kicking his legs under the water as we moved around the pool with him he smiled so much and looked very happy

But as we entered the pool we noticed a sign saying no pitures allowed now the fact Collier loved the pool and we aLl had a lovely time as a family day out is precious enough for me

But i was very annoyed at not being able to take pictures of my own child in the pool for the first time :(

Im no pedo im the mother of my child and the only child id be taking pictures of are my son
And James is the same

i think its health and safety gone mad Yes we have to be cautious but this is over the top
Ive heard of a friend of mine taking picturs of his own child in a park going down a slide and another parent came over snatched the camera out of his hand and said you shouldnt be taking photos of children you pedo :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
I think its getting silly :shakehead:

Yes we live in a world of nutty evil people but most of us are normal innocent parents enjoying being with our children

What is your view on this????

wheres it going to end ?? no longer being alowed to have pictures of your child in any public place :(
Hey Sarah,

We're allowed to at our pool (council run) but have to fill in a form each time and state they are for family record. We also have to ensure that we only get our child in the photos (not any others in the background). I think this is a nice compromise.

Valentine Xxx
I think they are right. I would be a bit uncomfortable about someone being in the pool with a camera. More so in case they wanted a pic of my big fat belly. :wink:
I understand why they do it but surely a good compromise would be for the pool/swimming centre to have a poloroid camera which they take a pic of your child and then give the picture to you. I'd be quite willing to pay a couple of quid for that.

There would be no lasting record of the image on a poloroid so no risk that it's being passed on/perved over/whatever and we mummies can have a pic of our LO's in the pool!

I was gutted when Evie first went into the pool and we couldn't photograph her. It's ruined my little book of firsts because thats the picture that is missing and it really annoys me :evil:
I used to work at a council pool and unfortunately from my experience it is a necessary rule (not wanting to go into too much detail). If a parent really wanted to use a camera then the manager would often let them take a photo under supervision to ensure no other child was in the picture (obviously depending how busy the pool was). If cameras are just allowed there would need to be a lot of policing to ensure that it was just the parents taking photos etc (imagine 10 people on poolside taking photos of children - the lifeguards have enough to look out for anyway).

Next time you go ask if you can speak to the manager on the way in and just ask if they mind you taking one or two photos under supervision - if it's not busy they might let you, and the worst they will do is say no sorry.
i think it is right too, just think if you took a pic of your child with someone in the background that was on a protection program and the wrong person saw it or just the fact that other people have a right to privacy
I can understand why you chose that its a good rule
But it just make me so mad and very sad that the world is so scread of its own tail and of each other to this point that we cant have pics of our own kids
Yes there are evil bad people out there but where do you draw the line between caution and blind panic
I think Valantines idea is a good one with the concent forms :D will run this past them
And i will ask the manager next time if i could have a picture under supervision
Though having to go to that extreem make me feel weired that to have a picture of my child id have to be watched :(

just make me sad the world has got this bad and is so supisious and scared of everyone and the few have caused it :( :( :( :( :( :(

But what about pictures in the park or or at a fair or taking your child to a event at a venue
no pictures there too ??
Geordie&Bairn said:

But what about pictures in the park or or at a fair or taking your child to a event at a venue
no pictures there too ??

or pools on holiday - you can take as many snaps as you want of your kiddies (and any one elses) in the outdoor pools you get abroad.

I am all child safety, but sometimes rules seem a little extreme (like the one at schools I've worked at - you can't video your child in the Natvity). I suppose signing a piece of paper to confirm it is for your record is a good compromise.
I'm not sure how i feel about it tbh. I hate the idea of not being able to take a photo of my own child when i want to and tbh she's always going to have a swimming costume on in the pool so i'm not really sure what anyone would get outta taking a pic of her anyway :think: having said that i feel a bit wierd even when family friends take photos of her as i dont know where they're going to go or who will see them.

I think when i take her i'll ask at the pool, and if it'll make them happy one of their staff can take the photo themselves. People do seem to worry a lot and thats sad, those few wierd people are ruining things for everyone else by stopping them capturing special moments with their children.

FWIW i'm constantly taking pics of Tally and Dave's always telling me off for it lol, just wait until her christening!! My Dad hates church so i'll put him in charge of capturing as many photo's as possible. They havnt said we cant take photos though there will be three other babies and families there at the same time

Oh on the nativity comment my sisters school banned parents taking photos or videoing at their last school play, it's stupid!! The school only gives 2 tickets to each child and the children come in with the people attending so they know they're all family members etc, the chances of anyone being dodgy are slim, plus, again, they're all fully dressed
Well I think it's a stupid rule.

I'd be quite offended if I had to have a member of staff standing over me while I took a photo of my own child.

These days nearly everyone has a mobile with a camera, so no matter where you are, your child is at risk of being photographed if someone was so determined to do it.

It makes me angry that I can't take pictures of my children when and where I want to. I can't take photos at Josh's school events, at soft play, at the swimming pool... the only place I seem to get pictures of them is at the park, and even then I bet there's a rule somewhere saying I shouldn't :roll:
i was gutted when i was told i was not allowed to take piccys of my daughter swimming. its precious watching her now, such a shame those moments cannot be captured on film for me to look at :(

and i did feel slightly offended and even embarrassed, like i'd been caught doing something bad! thats not right :(

even the babies wear little swimming costumes tho, its not like theyre even showing their little baby-nips or botties!
I wouldnt want any "wrong" people ending up with a photo of Hayden in his swimmers so in that respect i
think it is a good rule- yes it is very sad that in this day and age we cannot take photos of our own kids because a few sick individuals have ruined it for us. But i am all for the safety of children as a number 1 priority and i feel sick at the thought of some dirty peodo taking pics of kids at the local pool.
I have loads of pics of Hayden in the garden in the paddling pool and stuff so i'll just have to make do with them.
on another note though (for reasons against this rule..)
my dad managed to take a video of Hayden in the pool on his phone..from the spectator stand and never got noticed or questioned so i imagine any determined pedo will still find a way which is pretty sick :puke: :puke:
i understand why its done but i think things have gone too far. compromises should be allowed imo. its not just in pools - last week my eldest 2 were doing "play in a week" and on the final day all the children put on a performance. there were 15 children in total including my 2. i asked the instructor "if all the parents agreed, could i take pictures of my children". they said no - even if all the other parents said yes to it.
when we went swimming with leah, i wanted pictures so i asked them,
and they said i can only take pictures through the windows... wtf? :doh: if i was a pedo, would the window stop me seeing other kids?!! :doh:
they turned out good by the way :lol: :lol:
Kimbo said:
when we went swimming with leah, i wanted pictures so i asked them,
and they said i can only take pictures through the windows... wtf? :doh: if i was a pedo, would the window stop me seeing other kids?!! :doh:
they turned out good by the way :lol: :lol:

Omg- thats so silly isnt it- as if a clear pane of glass stops a pedo taking pics?
now thatsa silly rule!!!
I too was gutted that we cant take pics of our baby swimming. We go almost every week but it would have been nice to have caught that first time.

I think its a stupid rule. If i'm honest if there was another mummy taking a pic of her kids in the pool and chester was somehow in the pic I wouldnt be bothered its not as if he'd be naked!! Its such a shame as they grow up so fast :(
God i ended up having an arguement with Dave about this last night :roll: i couldnt even tell you what he thinks, just that apparently i'm wrong (as usual) :evil:

I was only asking him hypothetically and he starts going on about how do i know our pool will be like that and why am i even bothering talking about it if it might not relate to us. Then he started going on about all these rules being so they dont get sued.

It ended in me talking to myself about how i wish Tally didnt have to grow up in a world where no-one trust each other and there are people out there who might wanna hurt her. He just went on about how she wont know any different so it's fine, but i dont think that makes it right!!!
i simply refuse to believe there's as many people perving on kids out there as people make out. paedophiles are the exception, not the rule, but now anyone with a camera, men in particular, are suspect. Even if they are just walking through the park or something, they can't just be going for a stroll, oh no, they're going to prey on your kiddies! Daily mail induced hysteria, half of it :roll:

I once said something along those lines to a relative after she was going on about some child abuse case. She said "oh, but you only have to look at the amount of sex offenders registered in an area to see how many paedos there are nowadays"

Fair point. However, those sex offenders could be on the list for peeing in public, they could be lads who mooned at someone on a drunken night out..or they could have be done for statutary rape...if I'd wanted I could have prosecuted my OH for statutary rape, it hardly makes him a paedophile :roll: Nowadays people automatically equate a sex offender with either "kiddie fiddler" or "rapist". That's simply not true.

Plus if a paedophile really does want a photo of your kid, they could snap them walking down the street. Doesn't mean your child should be kept indoors
zebrastripes said:
i simply refuse to believe there's as many people perving on kids out there as people make out. paedophiles are the exception, not the rule, but now anyone with a camera, men in particular, are suspect. Even if they are just walking through the park or something, they can't just be going for a stroll, oh no, they're going to prey on your kiddies! Daily mail induced hysteria, half of it :roll:

I once said something along those lines to a relative after she was going on about some child abuse case. She said "oh, but you only have to look at the amount of sex offenders registered in an area to see how many paedos there are nowadays"

Fair point. However, those sex offenders could be on the list for peeing in public, they could be lads who mooned at someone on a drunken night out..or they could have be done for statutary rape...if I'd wanted I could have prosecuted my OH for statutary rape, it hardly makes him a paedophile :roll: Nowadays people automatically equate a sex offender with either "kiddie fiddler" or "rapist". That's simply not true.

Plus if a paedophile really does want a photo of your kid, they could snap them walking down the street. Doesn't mean your child should be kept indoors

:clap: :clap:

you just said everything i was thinking hon.

:clap: :clap:
zebrastripes said:
i simply refuse to believe there's as many people perving on kids out there as people make out. paedophiles are the exception, not the rule, but now anyone with a camera, men in particular, are suspect. Even if they are just walking through the park or something, they can't just be going for a stroll, oh no, they're going to prey on your kiddies! Daily mail induced hysteria, half of it :roll:

I once said something along those lines to a relative after she was going on about some child abuse case. She said "oh, but you only have to look at the amount of sex offenders registered in an area to see how many paedos there are nowadays"

Fair point. However, those sex offenders could be on the list for peeing in public, they could be lads who mooned at someone on a drunken night out..or they could have be done for statutary rape...if I'd wanted I could have prosecuted my OH for statutary rape, it hardly makes him a paedophile :roll: Nowadays people automatically equate a sex offender with either "kiddie fiddler" or "rapist". That's simply not true.

Plus if a paedophile really does want a photo of your kid, they could snap them walking down the street. Doesn't mean your child should be kept indoors

thankgod someone can artuculate things well, its exactly what i was tryib to say but dave keeps taking the wrong way.

i may also point out to him that i could have had him prosecuted for having sex with me when i was underage too

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