No Movement for about 11 hours..


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2005
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Hi All!

Im just after a bit advice pls.. I have not felt baby move for about 1 hours.... im a little worried n e one advise who to call or what to do.....
my midwife only works on a friay at my doctors, who should I call!
pls reply some1

Love Danix xx

Get some Frozen peas and put on your tummy....might just be baby is having a good sleep or has changed positition and although is moving you cant feel it.

Another tip is to eat some chocolate and some fizzy drinks.

If you wanna private message me your Telephone number..Ill ring you hun xxxx

Ragna xxx
my midwife always tells me to eat something with alot of calories coz they like that.. if not call the place where ur giving birth the number should be on the front of ur pregnancy notes hun... if not just call ur local hospital and tell them to put u through to the maternity ward.
Do you have an emergency number at the hospital you can ring?

When I had the mother of all migraines and needed advice I couldn't get hold of my midwife so called the emergency number she supplied me with and got through to the maternity ward at the hospital. The lady there was lovely.

Hope this helps
Just thought about a Baby Charity line that you can ring for Pregnancy advice. I haven't tried it yet, but I keep the number

0870 770 7070, 0870 777 3060 (Pregnancy Information Line). They are called Tommy's. They may be able to help
Sometimes i dont feel my baby move all day, and then at night it comes awake!! could just be sleeping like ragna said, but if your worried contact the materinty ward at your local hospital and speak to a midwife there

good luck and take care

Natalie x
phone teh hosptial, your midwife might not be there but others will and they can give you advice
Sorry I took so long to reply back to yous all.. I have called the midwife and she said that if i was woried i can go to the maternity ward at the hospital and some 1 will chekc me over but then all of a sudden i started to feel the little bugger kick ha ha.. Strange aint it..... alll that worry,
Thanks for your advice ladies...

Love Dani xxxxxxxxxxx
Newbump...we are due exactly the same day and Im the same, sometimes brenty moves very little in the day it depends what you are doing. If im busy then i hardly notice the kicks and punches, but if im lying down, boy do I then

But I do notice that if you put something cold on your tummy then it tends to move away from it (saw this before as a tip if baby is breech)

Let us know Dani How you get on.

Ragna x
Phew Dani.......

Good News. !!!! I have to say a bit of Telepathy goes a long way too...Think bout baby and quite often get a kick. Anyone else have this ??

Ragna xxxx
Not had the telepathy thing, normally i just prod my tummy if i want to fell movements, normally works!!! :lol: Poor little thing, will proberly come out all bruised up :?

Glad to hear all ok Dani, its amazing how our babies react!

Take care
Natalie x
Not had the telepathy thing, normally i just prod my tummy if i want to fell movements, normally works!!! Poor little thing, will proberly come out all bruised up

My mum said I shouldn't poke the baby otherwise I will give it a birth mark.

Have you ever heard anything like it?!?!?!? :shock: :shock: :roll: :roll:

Glad you're feeling movement now Dani :)
Ragna- YES to the telepathy thing! It's so cool! Just when I start to get worried I think "Kick if you're ok" and the sprog does!! Mind you when I want to get my OH to feel some movement the little pest won't oblige! Then again I am very suggestable as my parents are both hippies and my Mum and I used to do this thing when I was a baby/toddler of me waking her up by thinking of her when I woke in my cot- I clearly remember think-shouting her name and then being very pleased when she appeared! Heh heh! Serve me right if my sprog inherits the talent eh? My Dad and I have got our Reiki Level One qualifications and when either of us puts our hands on my bump and send it some Reiki this also makes the sprog excited :).

I don't care if it's all in mind because it amuses me anyway!

Glad everything's ok Dani :) we're 3/4s of the way there now aren't we? :D

Glad everything is ok Dani, i had it the other day we moved house and i was cleaning the old one and i don't know if i missed the moves or if she didn't move, but i later went shopping and was stood waiting to pay for stuff when i lost water again, i got back to the car and it wouldn't start and i just sat there and cried, i had stressed myself out sooooo much then as soon as oh got in the car and started talking baby started moving lol.
Hi Manda

Good to see you back I was wondering what was happening with you.
I've been told there's only 5-10% chance of me giving birth prematurely now so I'm really pleased. My cervix seems to have increased from 2.6 - 3.0cm :shock: Strage.

Take care
Hi Louise,

Thats good news glad things are going well for you, i've been having loads of period like pains and backache, not really sure whats going on but i'm ready now if she does make an early appearance.

manda x x
Hi Girlies.

. thanks for all your nice thoughts, baby is moving all over.. I am really anxious for the birth to find out the sex of my little miracle....

Love Dani xx

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