No, I am not about to pop!


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2011
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Grr, couple of people in the last couple of days assumed its not long to go ie I am about to pop. I have 2 months to go!

I wish people just stopped assuming or commenting at all.:wall2:
Poor you :( but on the bright side with that heat everyone is about to pop :p
Its horrible isnt it..

The woman on the bus told me im huge, and when i said im actually measuring smaller, and baby is small hence the reason im up and down the hospital.. so she says ' what do they know, your bloody huge' wanted to strangle her!! (they know more than you, stupid woman), ive also been asked if im carrying an elephant :( people cant resist on commenting on our bumps x
It really gets on my t1ts, why do they think I am interested in their opinion? I have been constantly measuring 2 cm more, he is a big boy I think but who needs people telling you that?

Your bump is lush Kelly, everyone is carrying so differently, its just annoying people who feel they are obliged to comment.
people are so insensitive ergh, really don't know how to speak to pregnant women, saying that my sil had a baby not too long ago n she tells me how big I am each time she sees me, I'm actually orite I think, I measure fine, hubby thinks I'm small for someone about to pop.. people need to b tactful
Gets on my wick. One of my work colleagues said 'wow, you look massive'. Just what I wanted to hear and in fact I am measuring small!
It really annoys me that people think they can comment what they want! I get that some people r just saying what they think is normal, but some people r just bloody rude! I had a lady my MIL knows stop me in the town last week. Her first words to me were " bloody hell Emily you're never going to last till October" I mean grrrrrr! What would she know! X
I hate it - I wish people didn't feel the need to comment, I never did to a pregnant lady!

I got asked in the changing rooms at Champneys "Ooooh, look at all your stretch marks, aren't you big? When arfe you due?", when I told her I had 4 weeks to go (at the time) she said "Ooooh, you must have more than 1 in there!", I was so annoyed and upset - more at the stretch marks comment than anything else! I wouldn't say "Ooooooh, look at all your wrinkles and cellulite" would I?! I realy wish I had when I think back to it! Funnily enough I've been measuring 2 weeks smaller all the way through too, just proves these people know NOTHING.

We're all beautiful and doing the most amazing thing our bodies can do, screw what anyone else thinks!

People just feel the need to open their gobs without thinking. The other day at the bus stop a woman said to me
'are you never know these days... There are so many fat girls around' WTF? Why did she. Wed to add that comment?
Why did she need to add that comment, I meant to write.
It seems people dont think before saying things. I think people have started to annoy me even more, is it hormones?
I hate it - I wish people didn't feel the need to comment, I never did to a pregnant lady!

I got asked in the changing rooms at Champneys "Ooooh, look at all your stretch marks, aren't you big? When arfe you due?", when I told her I had 4 weeks to go (at the time) she said "Ooooh, you must have more than 1 in there!", I was so annoyed and upset - more at the stretch marks comment than anything else! I wouldn't say "Ooooooh, look at all your wrinkles and cellulite" would I?! I realy wish I had when I think back to it! Funnily enough I've been measuring 2 weeks smaller all the way through too, just proves these people know NOTHING.

We're all beautiful and doing the most amazing thing our bodies can do, screw what anyone else thinks!

I would have probably drop kicked her for saying such a thing.
Totally - I've got absolutely NO patience for anyone or anything nowadays!!!!

My MIL and gran in law are driving me mad, my cat grooms himself too loud, my dog barks too often, my husband needs reminding every day to do the simple things that I just can't do with this big bump, my sister in law who lives with us has NO IDEA where the hoover or cleaning cupboard is! I'm so impatient and snappy with everyone, I'm sure they must think I'm a total bitch.

Not long to go to get back to some sort of normality! Well, a new kind of normality anyway....

I think I might design a maternity top with the slogan "if I want your opinion on my size, I will ask for it OKAY!!!"
Good idea, then they may just take the hint that a severly hormonal woman is not to be messed with!
my friend is 4 weeks ahead of me in her pregnancy and everyone always says that i am bigger than her. im alot shorter so i think i stand out more. i was also told of this man in a pub that i was definatly having a little boy because it shows on my hips and bum. i said "well your wrong im having a girl!" then the hormones kicked in and i said "are you the man that had an affair behind your wifes back? than had to be dna tested?" i just walked away. i was a botch but he had annoyed me. ooopppss!
My mum actually apologised to someone about the size of my bump!! Wtf is there to apologise for? Apparantly she was embarrassed my bump is 'messy' and the person she was talking to has a daughter 38weeks pg who's bump my mum says is all baby and lovely and neat! Thanks for the confidence boost not!!! My bump is not messy its growing my baby quite nicely thanks!

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