I hate it - I wish people didn't feel the need to comment, I never did to a pregnant lady!
I got asked in the changing rooms at Champneys "Ooooh, look at all your stretch marks, aren't you big? When arfe you due?", when I told her I had 4 weeks to go (at the time) she said "Ooooh, you must have more than 1 in there!", I was so annoyed and upset - more at the stretch marks comment than anything else! I wouldn't say "Ooooooh, look at all your wrinkles and cellulite" would I?! I realy wish I had when I think back to it! Funnily enough I've been measuring 2 weeks smaller all the way through too, just proves these people know NOTHING.
We're all beautiful and doing the most amazing thing our bodies can do, screw what anyone else thinks!