No appetite


New Member
Sep 8, 2007
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Hi there,

was just wondering if anybody else had no appetite?? i am 12 weeks on Tuesday and starting to worry that I haven't been eating enough. I probably have on average 3 pieces of fruit and veg per day... I have completely gone off of everything and the thought of broccoli just makes me want to be sick... is anyone else going through the same thing? should i be forcing myself to eat more??
yeah, i have had days recently where ive realised ive barely eaten at all. Then i worry the baby wont grow!

But I guess if your baby needed more nutrients, you'd get hungry soon enough.
Your baby takes what ti needs from you, do you take vits? i have heard that helps if you cant digest stuff, have you tried liquid stuff to drink? Soups and juices?

I'm having the fun of..

if I don't eat I feel sick....
if I do eat I feel sick..

I just feel bloody sick all the bloody time!!!

(making sure I take vit tablets because of this!!!)

It better get better... I'm only just going into week 9!
thanks ladies, yes im taking my pregnacare tablets and i'll mention it to the midwife when i have my 12 week scan next week... its just so hard!! Got the smoothie maker out today and had lots of fruit in that, i just can't face vegetables. Im eating lots of pasta and rice, so getting a lot of carbs... hopefully my appetite will come back soon!!
Fruit and rich tea biscuits are the only things keeping me going at the moment! Just tried to eat chilli con carne and managed about a third of it.

Eat a little as often as you can during the day is my advice. I'm gonna have a toasted teacake at about 10ish.

Midwife says it's common and don't expect to put on weight until later on. When the placenta takes over at about 12 weeks we all feel better again, apparently. I'll believe it when it happens!

Hope you're feelin' better soon.
I remember this time ...

I felt sick ALL THE TIME from weeks 7 until 14 - ended up losing over half a stone in weight. The only thing I could ever seem to eat was cereal & milk - I lived on the stuff. I also took sanatogen preg multi vits. Couldn't manage any fruit or veg at all - even orange juice. The GP, MW and consultant all said not to worry - and they were right. I've only got 10 weeks left and baby is growing just fine :D

Nothing worked for me - even ginger biscuits and cream crackers. Unfortunately you've just got to ride through it - it will get better, i promise. Even now though, I can only eat small amounts of things.


i have only had the sickness a week and lost 31b i dont feel hungry either...
i am managing breadsticks and ginger ale along with other cheesey things
i am willing it to pass soon

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