Nipples lighter!!!???


Aug 28, 2010
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Hi all this is my first time posting my and my partner have been TTC for nearly 6 months now and had many many BFN's!!! I suffer with high oestrogen levels of which my GP is doing diddly squat about so seem to be struggling this time. I have a little girl of 3 and a half and got pregnant looking at my partner with her!!!I am due AF tommorrow but have had the following symptoms:

*Last week tasted hairspray for like 3 days...nothing took it away

*had quite alot of cramps for about 2 weeks after last AF

*Had oestrogen checked on 21st day of cycle and 1178 ( should be lowest approx 80)

* Had pain in right nipple and it had a very dry crispy feel to it and cracked eventually and had a little blister on it ( healing now)

* past two days both nipples are alot paler and geting lots of twinges in right nipple and few in left...

Did predictor test about 4 days ago and faint line appeared and the disappeared after ten mins and tuned into evap....Have had LOTS ( obsessed) BFN since inc CBD this am BFN

I know im due tommrrow but i want to know what you ladies think!? I have loved finding this forum its nice to hear of other people going through the same!!!

Thanks ladies in advance baby dust to you all!!!
just sent partner to asda for test i tell you im obsessed and need to get pregnant!!!!
I'd test tomorrow morning first thing if I were u as the preg hormone will be stronger, that's if u can wait lol , hope it's a BFP for you xx
Oh hun :( Give it another few days and retest :dust: xx
Any day that af is not here, is another day you are in the running!

I had the harispray thing -but only once, when I drank some coke. My nipples also went a bit lighter - not darker like most people, lol!

Your symptoms sound good though - let us know how you get on xxxx
Thanks girls for the positive notes.....on a very positive note AF hasnt come today!!!! :D Still BFN this am but as long as it doesnt come im hopeful!!!
Hope you still get ur BFP - i prefer the CBD for the reason that they are so sensitive - but they can upset you for no reason - i got BFN on CBD then two days later got BFP on Boots Cheapie Digital so redid CBD and got a BFP on there x
I agree with the other girls - when AF isn't there that's a good sign and your symptoms sound positive. I didn't get a BFP until I was 6 days late! x
Thanks ladies!!! :D Still not few bits of belly ache today and twinges in boobs again couple more cheapie BFN i cant help myself!!! All my friends seem to be pregnant i just wish it would happen!!

My best friend didnt get a positive until she was five weeks and her friend didnt get one til she was ten weeks!!! :O

rEALLY HOPE IT DOESNT ARRIVE....OR wait til i go on hol on monday and then start!!!!Be just my luck!!!

Nipples still lighter its weird as like i say everyone seems to say they go darker!!!

Fingers crossed anyway!!!!:poas:
It's not over until the :witch: arrives!
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