

Well-Known Member
May 21, 2007
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Oh I had the most evil dream last night that I lost the baby :shock: Anyone else had nightmares of things going wrong?

I know it's probably not 'true' as before I found out I was pregnant, I dreamt that I got my period :)

Still, it was an evil dream to have :shock: They can really put a spin on your day.
i think its an insecurity dream, ure worried it might happen.
the best thing to do is forget about it, the last thing u need is to stress about it. think of it as it telling you to relax.
I had a mad dream about some secret goverment agency kidnapped me for some experiment and I lost the baby. It was horrible I woke up nearly in tears. It felt so real you know the type of dream you cant wake up from.
yes! its hormones, you know like when ur ill, and ur temp is higher than normal, well it the 1st few wks of preg ur temp is higher than normal..

and all the hormones around make u loopy!.. i have had some well weird dreams. dont read into them.. and try not to worry it is normal.
oh hun dont worry about them, iv been having really funny dreams but dont really know what they are about then every night i wake up at 5 dead on really spooky :hug:
Hi All,
Yes I have had a few bad dreams, or woke up actually seeing things !
I spoke to my doctor and he confirmed nothing to worry about its a hormone imbalance ............

Thought I was going loopy lol :wall:
Guadagnia said:
or woke up actually seeing things !
I spoke to my doctor and he confirmed nothing to worry about its a hormone imbalance ............

Thought I was going loopy lol :wall:

Lol what was it you saw if you don't mind me asking? :) That must've been really scary. Has it stopped now?
Hi :wave:

Yeh, had my third miscarriage dream last night. I feel so glad when I wake up and realise that I have been in bed all night, and that I haven't just gone to the loo and lost my baby.

Vivid dreams are very common in both early and very late pregnancy. I had nightmares and such vivid dreams for a few weeks when I first became pregnant and some of them were really upsetting. The dreaming phase past though and I thought nothing more of it. Last night I had another one, everso vivid, real and I even woke up thinking about the choices I'd been given in the dream and they refuse to leave me alone even now at 3pm in the afternoon!! Anway they are normal, annoying and often upsetting but perfectly normal. They will pass but might return once you reach the end portion of your final trimester, hoping my one last night was a one off!!

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