Night Sweats


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2010
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Is anyone else suffering and got any tips that will help?
I keep waking up absolutely soaked and its not very nice, then once im awake and been to the loo a few times, i cant get back to sleep :wall2: x x

Any tips ladies? Really dont want another night like last night :( x x

I was exactly the same when I was in tri 3 hun. Got no tips on how to stop it. I used to kick the covers off so I could cool down a bit but the getting back to sleep thing was always a nightmare.

Sorry I'm not much help hun! x
oh m2a i know how you feel, i was the exact same about 2 weeks ago every night having to change my jammies 2x a night and sheets daily. I've put my duvet away and im just using 2 thick blankets and i've got a small desk fan next to my desk.

Doesn't help with this weather being so clammy.
lol i get too hot most nights so i sleep nude and throw off the covers. its enough for now, i hope it dont get worse lol
I'm suffering the exact same thing its horrible :( all ive been doing is sleeping in as little as poss and using a sheet or nothing at all and keeping the windows open. But like you it's an absolute nightmare trying to go back to sleep, the only thing I've found that keeps me from waking up is having a mug of Horlicks right before bed - I've found I go back to sleep easier if I've had that. x

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