Nice people in supermarkets... what a change!


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2007
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I was in Asda today with my mum and Becky and we were wandering round the clothes. There was a little girl wandering round with her mum who had a baby boy in the trolley. I could hear the little girl go on and on about "look, baby girl!" through the aisles and eventually she said to her mum "plllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeease can I say hello to the baby?". Her mum flashed a glance my way so I invited her over to say hello to Becky.

Just got chatting and the baby boy proceeded to puke over himself (he was 6 months) and his mum said with a sigh "not again...". I mentioned I'd had the same problem and Gaviscon had been a miracle so she is going to see her HV or GP to get him some help! I had Becky in the sling and we chatted about babywearing and it was just soooo nice to have a conversation where it wasn't all "my baby can do this, what can yours do?". Her little girl (who is 3) was absolutely adorable and such a chatterbox and Becky was grinning at her so I told her "ohhh, she likes you, you must be a great big sister!" and she just beamed and said "aww, does she?"

Just thought I'd share, nothing nice ever seems to happen in supermarkets! Babies are a great conversation starter!
this is what Hayden thinks of supermarkets...he attracted a lot of attention on this day! :rotfl: :rotfl:


Yeah i think it must be Asda..a lot of peoples waters break in Asda aswell..its the most baby friendly supermarket! hehe
I hardly get to go there because it far from my house but when i have i have had experiences with nice ppl too!!
i always get people ask about babes helmet in asda, in tesco they just stare :talkhand:

did you get her any nice clothes , i love george !
There was a gorgeous little jacket but they didn't have it in her size so I got one that I have already (have it in 6-9) in 3-6 months. Their stuff is lovely - and there's a big baby event coming up too - lots of cheap stuff!
Jacob and supermarkets...

1) either attracts all the grannies (quite cute how they stop and touch and talk to him..for ages..)

2) nearly gets him an ASBO as he taps people as he goes past them on the trolley.

3) Im blackmailed into buying toys for silence
aww nice story! luke loves shopping he is such a flirt especially with the grannies!!
I love Asda. People are so friendly in there. Even Angel will crack a smile at strangers. I was carrying her to a trolley the other day, and one of the trolley boys went over and got one for me, i placed her in the seat, and he strapped her in and tightened it for me so she was secure! It was lovely.

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