NHS are actually quite good!!!


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2006
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my team at work has been under threat for a while now, and i was told a month or so back that theyre finishing everyone or redeploying them due to lack of support for our service etc etc, bearing in mind im pregnant and due in feb-

had a meeting with HR manager and found out where i stand as im currently on long term sick leave, which has just turned into maternity leave. Anyway, because im pregnant theyre not legally allowed to terminate my employment, and because i cant return to my job until ive had breast reduction op which will be after LO arrives, they have to hold a position if i find one, or pay me maternity pay til the end of my maternity leave. Got a letter today from work, and it says that as of 31st January my contract will be terminated and ill get 5mths pay ( 1mth salary for every year of service) BUT because im pregnant, they also have to continue to pay my maternity pay at full salary level til im due to return to work if i still had my position, which is 9th june :D :D

so im getting a pretty good redundancy payout plus pay til end of june next year, im actually rather pleased :D means we will have enough money to get married when we want instead of having to save for years 8)
That is pretty good news hun, I doubt some other places would have been so understanding, I bet you feel relieved :hug:

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