next lot of bloods?


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2006
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hi , ive had my first lot of bloods done at 10 weeks but ive forgotten when the next lot are due, ive got my next gtt booked for november. I had midwife app at 16 weeks and a doctors at 28 weeks but i havent got any blood test forms for my next lot of blood tests, probably peggo brain and that im so busy running around after the girls and working , I just saw another post and someone meantioned 16 week blood tests?
It seems that different areas of the country do things very differently as up here in Aberdeen my first set of bloods is done at 16 weeks, where as others seem to be getting theirs at 8wk booking appointment. So im of no help to you LOL, give your midwife a call and double check :D
I had my first lot of bloods done at 10 weeks and then I have been given another form to go back for my next lot at 28 weeks
I had all my bloods done at my 16 week appointment - as missed them previously (they tested for everything from HIV to Rubella, to Hepatitis and downs syndrome.....)!

Nothing at my 25 week appointment, and in a couple of weeks at my 28 week appointment I am being tested for anemia I think!

Remember to take a urine sample to each and every appointment!
I had my first lot at 16 weeks and the next ones will be 28 weeks :D
I had some done at booking appointment with community m/w when I was 6 weeks :shock: , then again at hospital at 12 weeks. Have my downs/spina bifada screening bloods this Friday with community m/w (will be 15&1). Not sure how when after that though...
i had my 1st lot at 13 weeks and will have my next lot at 26 weeks
As Sara said, different areas seem to have different policies. My sister (our due dates are only a week apart, how cool is that?) lives down near London and had her first blood tests done around 10 weeks whereas I had mine done at the 16 week appointment and have been told that my next lot will be done at 28 weeks.

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