newborn baby found in a carrier bag

How could anyone do such a thing?

It makes me sick! What a bloody shame. :cry:
Such an awful tragic story.

It does make me think about the mother though, what kind of mental state must she have been in to do such a thing to her baby? The baby might have been the result of an attack or rape, or she may be shamed by her family if she'd have kept it? I know she should of put it up for adoption, but surely something must not be right with her to do this?

I hope they find the babys mother and get her the help she needs.

As for baby Lily, rest in pece little angel. xx :angel:
WHY???? :cry:

From what i've heard and read it seems that she has had the baby out of hospital as the cord was still on, the hospital would have had a clamp on it and the baby would have had a wrist band with the mothers name on. but why the PJ's?

She was obviously ashamed of her baby or felt like she had no suppor or help. She may not have deliberately bashed the babies head, it depends where she gave birth. :(

Poor lily, rest in peace baby

Controversial but you dont want a baby - CONTRACEPTION, you are assaulted/raped - ABORTION, you have the baby but no longer want it - ADOPTION!

I have no remorse what so ever for the mum, this baby was deprived of it's life, head injuries, well that's just sick, cold and calcultated. if you give birth and are too ashamed to tell your family, take it to hospital, even leave it at the main entrance so someone will find it. But a river? No way.

Like Dionne says, people who are deserving of a family but can't have one are being deprived when there is people out there like that who would do it a baby, the world is wrong.

My mum is a foster carer and many babies are born and put straight into care a day after delivery, if their mum doesn't want them, parents are addicts, but least they get a chance to live....

It's murder in my eyes...sorry ladies... :shock:
I agree with K X

It's murder and there are some evil people out there :(
how can someone do that? no natural affection whatsoever. she must be cold and dead inside to be able to do something so awful :(
i heard about this on the news earlier too... made me really sad, i just dont no how someone can do that.

they were saying that they think she could have been in an abusive relationship with her partner not wanting the baby and them doing something to the baby when she was born. then she left all the clues and stuff so they could find her. or that she really didnt want the baby and wanted to throw away everything that she ever connected with the baby.

its such a sad story, really upset me.

rest in peace baby lilly xxx
It's sick. I have no sympathy with the mother. It's murder.

I think it was in Italy a baby was a hit with a shovel because it wouldn't stop crying and died.

And here is what happened in Israel last month: ... ines-world

Since having a baby it makes me more sensitive towards these things.
K X said:
I have no remorse what so ever for the mum, this baby was deprived of it's life, head injuries, well that's just sick, cold and calcultated. if you give birth and are too ashamed to tell your family, take it to hospital, even leave it at the main entrance so someone will find it. But a river? No way.

It's murder in my eyes...sorry ladies... :shock:

i agree, why kill the child? if she is messed up in the head is being abused ect, then why not wrap the baby up and leave in on some ones door step? out side a hospital? or if thats to hard even wrap baby up and hide it in a bin and phone the police to tell them?????? not bloody kill it???

how any one can raise a hand to a child is beyond me never mind bash it on the head, (if that is what she done)

but throwing it in the river???? if she has been abused rapped beaten ect, she is a 1000 times worse then any of them she is a cold blooded murderer,

who i hope rots in hell
just copied this from babsi link.....

some one please tell me how that is manslaughter and not murder?

he had slapped, pinched and bitten the boy at least once before. charged with manslaughter and child abuse,
Dionne, manslaughter is where you kill them by accident, murder is where you mean for them to die - as they say, the law is an ass

When we were watching the press conference this morning, I felt physically sick. I think the mother is beyond help, whether she's in an abusive relationship or whatever, to be able to do that she must be seriously gone in the head. I can't believe this happened 12 days ago and it's only just hit the national news. At the press conference, they didn't mention murder once, they referred to it as 'unlawful killing'. They also said the injuries could not have been accidental. They're not concerned about criminal charges at this time, they want to ensure the safety of the mother :shock:
That poor little Angel Lilly. Rest with god little one :( x
tracy, im hoping they are just trying to trick the mother into handing her self in

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