
aww bless ya, i cry at owt nowadays lol cnt remember been like this with millie, and sooooo tired :sleep:
Hi Beth, it's nice to meet you, congrats on your pregnancy :wave:
Nice to meet you too! And thanks!

The more people are congratulating me and being nice the more i'm starting to feel that pregnancy may be a good thing! :cheer:
hey hun im sarah and im 29 i have a 17 month old son
i fell pregnant wen i was 17 had him at 18
if u ever need to tlk just PM me
and come over to see us in the seen section
Hey Sarah nice to meet you and thanks!

This site is great everyone is really nice, I was seriously expecting to get a bit of a frosty reception seeing as i'm 16, but I'm glad to say i've been proved wrong :D
i thought it to hun wen i first joined nearly 2 yrs ago
but every one is so hopeful and kind
hiya hun, congrats on the babba!!
havin a baby young is nothin to b ashamed of, i had my little man @ 19!!

hope all goes well!! :D
Hi and welcome remember none of us are here to judge we're all here to help.
Hi hun, weve spoken over in ask a mum section but just wanted to add, I was 16 when I got pregnant with my youngest and while it was scary and confusing, I never once regretted having her so young!

As everyone has said no-one here is going to judge you, theres plenty of young mums here who can give you lots of advice and support, I wish there was something like this when I was pregnant with my eldest but strange as it sounds, the internet wasnt even around then :shock:

Gosh I feel old now :? :rotfl:
Sarah&Braydon said:
hey hun im sarah and im 29 i have a 17 month old son
i fell pregnant wen i was 17 had him at 18
if u ever need to tlk just PM me
and come over to see us in the seen section

When did you start being 29 missus????????? :rotfl:

Hiya Vampire_dolly, congrats on your pregnancy. I hope telling your folks goes well. Don't worry, no one will judge you on here. Enjoy your pregnancy & look forward to becoming a mummy, its the most precious gift in the world :D
Hello :wave:

to the forum, sorry it's taken so long to say hi lol, congrats on your pregnancy and wishing you a happy healthy pregnancy.

Laura xx
hi. a beltaed welcome from me too :)

i bet your getting excited now :) i did after my scan :)

thought anymore about telling your mom? she will start to notice soon :)
Hi welcome to the forum hun. :wave:

Have you told your Mum yet? Hope it goes well when you tell her. And remember we're all here for you. :hug:
Hey hun, Welcome to the forum and congrats on ur pregnancy!
Ur in the right place, there are lots of fantastic people here to guide & support you!!


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