Newbie-6 months TTC with anxiety issues :(


Jun 11, 2018
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Hi all

I’ve been lurking for a little bit and have found reading all your posts really helpful. I thought I’d bite the bullet today and join as I’ve now hit the 6 month milestone and need to talk to someone. My fiancé and I agreed to keep it to ourselves, but I think it will help me to be able to share with people I don’t actually know!
We started TTC 6 months ago and I’m getting AF symptoms so have accepted it’s not happening this month again. I have problems with anxiety and take antidepressants, which I’ve reduced recently under drs advice as TTC. I’m in a much better place than I was a year ago, hence feeling ready to TTC, but I’m worried (ha! Ironic!) that my anxiety each month about not being pregnant is stopping me conceiving. I just feel like we are doing everything right so I don’t understand why it isn’t happening. It seems like everyone else I know gets pregnant within 2 months :(
I’m considering going to my GP to ask him to do the standard tests to check everything is ok. I know I won’t get a referral for another 6 months (I’m 30), but if I know nothings wrong physically I think it’ll help me relax a bit more. Every month I’m gutted.

Thanks for listening x
Hello! Nice to ‘meet’ you :lol:

If you’re worried about anxiety affecting ttc, could you try something like fertility reflexology? I’ve only had one session but I’ve found it so relaxing
Thanks :)

I tried 3 sessions of fertility acupuncture this past month and it was relaxing. I wonder whether it had more to do with me lying totally still for an hour rather than anything else. The therapist seemed to think it was my general levels of exhaustion that are the issue. I’m a teacher, so I’m hoping the Summer break will help with that. I’m just done in during term time!
Apparently antidepressants can affect your cervical mucus so it could be worth trying Preseed.

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