
Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2006
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i have always thought that nurses going home in uniform, i have also see some of them shopping in tesco in uniform and one nurse today sat waiting for the bus i was waiting for in her uniform lening on the bus sheltter :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: i have always felt this increases the risk of infection and not only that but its disgusting..well wales are introducing new uniforms and new policy that uniforms are not to be worn out side the building and they get washed at very high temps at the hospital laundary service......finally we have seen sense :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

lets hope the rest of the uk follow us :pray: :pray:
sorry but i just think nurses who come home in uniform is out of order with all the infection we have in our hospitals :puke: :puke: :puke:
I TOTALLY agree, I did my nurse training and we were told not to wear our uniforms outside of our employment or we would be struck off, some authorities make it policy, but the amount that do!

My friend is a nurse on a busy ward and I refuse to let her isit on my sofa till she changes when she pops by after work for a coffee:shakehead:

Its just minging, I dont come into contact with my clients but I still have work clothes and change out of them when I get home, I hate the smell of work and need to smell of home IYKWIM (Im no longer a nurse, I work in an office so nothing bad smell wise its just not homely) but just think if you have been cleaning bodily fluids etc!

It should only be nurses on call or visiting patients that should wear uniforms, not touching the loose veg in tesco!!
i have always said this, and i also think doctors shouldnt wear ties :?
I'm sorry but my mum is a community nurse and she has no choice but to wear her uniform while she is out and about its her job.

She cant keep a change of clothes in her car and when she goes for her lunch break in tesco/morrisons get changed for the hour and then go back to work.

She has to wear aprons as do most nurses while she is visiting a patient and gloves.
And i would like to add the nurses touching the veg at tesco have proberly had gloves on and cleaned their hands with anti bacterial hand wash, while the old dear who isnt in the nurses uniform as proberly just been to the toilet and not washed her hands then is touching the veg!!!!
MissSara said:
I'm sorry but my mum is a community nurse and she has no choice but to wear her uniform while she is out and about its her job.

She cant keep a change of clothes in her car and when she goes for her lunch break in tesco/morrisons get changed for the hour and then go back to work.

She has to wear aprons as do most nurses while she is visiting a patient and gloves.

still no excuse for HOSPITAL nurses wearning uniforms outside work, seeing that hospitals are infection ridden :puke: u know OH has been to the vets today with our dog and he saw a nurse IN UNIFORM carrying a cat towards her chest :puke: :puke: whos to say she was going to wash that shirt tonight ?? or even on her way to work ???

so he has got her name as she had her badge on and has just rung the trust manger who said

"under infection control within the trust..we dont allow staff to wear uniforms outside of work unless coverd by a coat that covers the whole of the uniform. i will forward the name onto infection control manager and assure it is delt with..thankyou for bringing this to my attention"

so NO staff are not to wear uniforms out of the building
I think it is a good idea. I work in a hospital am I'm very concerend about cross contamination. I am not a nurse, I am an OT Assistant and work in several different wards a day so I have to be very careful with my hygine at all times.

I never wore my uniform out of work and never will. Besides I am all in green and it's not my colour and it is defo not very flattering. x
I forgot to say that the only time you will see me in my uniform outwith the hospital premises, is when I am on a home visit to a patients house, to a special needs school or filing the pool car up with petrol.

At present we have no measures in place for home/school visits. This is something that should be looked at too. x

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